Internal Boundary Heat Fluxes
The internal normal boundary heat fluxes (scalar quantity) are available on interior boundaries. They are calculated using the upside and the downside value of heat fluxes from the adjacent domains.
Internal Normal Conductive Heat Flux, Upside (Heat Transfer Interface)
The variable ndflux_u is defined as:
Internal Normal Conductive Heat Flux, Downside (Heat Transfer Interface)
The variable ndflux_d is defined as:
Frames for the Heat Transfer Equations for a description of spatial and material frames.
Internal Normal Convective Heat Flux, Upside (Heat Transfer Interface)
The variable ncflux_u is defined as:
Internal Normal Convective Heat Flux, Downside (Heat Transfer Interface)
The variable ncflux_d is defined as:
Internal Normal Total Heat Flux, Upside (Heat Transfer Interface)
The variable ntflux_u is defined as:
Internal Normal Total Heat Flux, Downside (Heat Transfer Interface)
The variable ntflux_d is defined as: