The Orbital Thermal Loads Interface
The Orbital Thermal Loads (otl) interface (), found under the Heat Transfer>Radiation branch (), is used to model radiative loads on spacecraft, in particular radiation from the Sun and the Earth for satellites orbiting around Earth.
It defines the spacecraft radiative properties, orbit and orientation, orbital maneuvers, and planet properties. These inputs are used to compute and visualize the direct solar radiation, albedo, and planet infrared flux as well as the radiative heat transfer between the different spacecraft parts. It handles thermal radiation based on the radiosity method similarly to The Surface-to-Surface Radiation Interface.
Time Dependent, Orbit Calculation, Orbital Temperature and Orbit Thermal Loads studies are supported in 3D.
In this section:
When Planet properties are set to Earth, the default plots shows the spacecraft orbit around the Earth. The Earth is represented using an image, data:///physics/images/earth.jpg which credits come from