Phase Change Interface
Use this node to define the temperature and the position of the interface between two phases of the same material, using the Stefan condition. It is applicable on boundaries between Fluid and Solid domains, and on interior boundaries of Fluid, Solid, and Porous Medium domains, in 2D, 2D axisymmetric, and 3D components.
For an equivalent condition applicable on exterior boundaries, use Phase Change Interface, Exterior instead.
The following hypotheses are made when using this node:
Mass conservation should be verified. This can be ensured by using a velocity field calculated by a Fluid Flow interface in the fluid domain. If Solid nodes are used for both phases, they should have the same density, to ensure mass conservation on the material frame.
In stationary and time-dependent studies, the temperature is set to the phase change temperature on the interface:
In addition, in time-dependent studies, the Stefan condition defines the phase change interface velocity vn from the conductive heat flux jump across the interface, q, the latent heat of phase change from solid to fluid, , and the solid density, ρs:
The fluid velocity at the interface, vf, is defined as:
The phase change velocity vn appearing in Stefan condition is relative to the solid position. In case of translation of the solid (using Translational Motion subfeature under Solid with Translational Motion feature for instance), the solid translation velocity us contributes to vn to describe the interface velocity relative to the spatial frame:
Similarly, the same term is added to the normal fluid velocity definition relative to the spatial frame:
In order to simulate the deformation of the fluid and solid domains, a Deforming Domain node (under the Deformed Geometry branch in Definitions) should be active on the adjacent domains on each side of the phase change interface, the velocity vn is set on the boundaries where the Phase Change Interface node is active, in the same way as if you apply the Prescribed Normal Mesh Velocity node. Note that for large deformations of the interface, you may need to add an Automatic Remeshing node in the solver sequence to preserve the mesh quality. See Prescribed Normal Mesh Velocity and Automatic Remeshing in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for details.
Phase Change Interface
This section defines the parameters used in the Stefan condition.
First, set the Phase change temperature, Tpc (SI unit: K), and the Latent heat, (SI unit: J/kg), associated to the transition from solid to fluid phase. A positive value should be set for the latent heat.
Then, choose which side of the phase change interface is the Solid side, either Upside, or Downside.
The red arrow indicates the location of the solid phase, relatively to the selected boundaries in the Graphics window. Upside and downside settings are based on the global normal vector (nx, ny, nz), that always points from downside to upside. Note that the normal vector (ht.nx, ht.ny, may be oriented differently.
See Tangent and Normal Variables in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Finally, choose the method of Heat flux jump evaluation. By default the Lagrange multiplier option is selected and introduces a variable on the boundary, the Lagrange multiplier, to prescribe the temperature and calculate the heat flux jump accurately.
Alternatively, select Temperature gradient to prescribe the temperature condition using a strong constraint and evaluate the heat flux jump from the temperature field gradient on each side of the interface.
The Temperature gradient option leads to a formulation that is easier to handle from a numerical point of view, especially for the iterative solvers, however the accuracy of the heat flux jump is strongly dependent on the size of the mesh next to the boundary. In this case a very fine mesh may be needed to reach the same the of accuracy compared to the default option with a default mesh. See Weak Constraints in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details on the use of Lagrange multipliers.
Moving Boundary Smoothing
Numerical oscillations may appear in the interface velocity, with both methods of Heat flux jump evaluation.
To overcome this difficulty, select the Enable moving boundary smoothing check box to stabilize the boundary displacement. This setting smooths the normal mesh velocity by adding the following smoothing velocity contribution, proportional to the mean curvature of the interface, H (SI unit: 1/m), and the mesh element size, h (SI unit: m):
This additional velocity is null for rectilinear interfaces but will artificially increase the normal mesh velocity for highly curved interfaces, such as along droplets or bubbles.
Note that adding this smoothing term modifies the physical modeling, and may alter mass conservation. Set the Moving boundary smoothing tuning parameter, δmbs, a dimensionless number to allow a trade-off between numerical stability and precision of the physical modeling.
Tin Melting Front: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Phase_Change/tin_melting_front
Continuous Casting — Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Thermal_Processing/continuous_casting_ale
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with interface as Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids, Heat Transfer in Solids, Heat Transfer in Fluids, or Heat Transfer in Porous Media selected: