Local Thermal Nonequilibrium Boundary
This node is active by default on all the interior and exterior boundaries of the computational domain, adjacent to domains where a Porous Medium node is applied with Porous medium type set to Local thermal nonequilibrium. It shows which boundaries are adjacent to domains where two temperatures, Tf and Ts, are solved.
On these boundaries, the conditions available at the physics interface level are not applicable, because they define conditions on a single temperature, T. There are however a few exceptions on interior boundaries:
The thin structures conditions (Thin Layer, Thin Film, Fracture, and Thermal Contact), which represent a thin domain as a boundary, where a single temperature, T, is solved. They can be combined with other boundary conditions on T, available at the physics interface level on boundaries where a thin structure condition is applied: Boundary Heat Source, Deposited Beam Power, and Surface-to-Ambient Radiation.
The Thermal Insulation node, which enforces thermal insulation for both the fluid and solid phases.
The Periodic Condition node, which applies a periodic condition for each phase.
Other boundary conditions can be applied specifically to the fluid or porous matrix phase, by adding subnodes to the Fluid (Porous Medium) and Porous Matrix (Porous Medium, Moist Porous Medium) subnodes.
Concerning the domain conditions, the Heat Source and Initial Values nodes, available at the physics interface level, are not applicable in the domains delimited by the Local Thermal Nonequilibrium Boundary condition.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with interface as Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids, Heat Transfer in Solids, Heat Transfer in Fluids, Heat Transfer in Porous Media, Heat Transfer in Building Materials, or Bioheat Transfer selected: