The domain equations can be derived by starting with The Nernst–Planck Equations. The material balance equation for each species
i in the electrolyte is given by the continuity equation, with a flux given by the Nernst–Planck equation:
There is one more unknown dependent in the variable, the electrolyte potential, which requires an additional equation to close the system. This equation is the electroneutrality condition, which follows from dimensional analysis of Gauss’s law. In a typical electrolyte solution, it is accurate over lengths greater than a few nanometers:
where Ql can here be any source or sink. (
Ql is typically nonzero for porous electrodes). These formulations are also valid for the pore electrolyte in porous electrodes, except for the transport properties that have to be corrected for porosity and tortuosity. In such cases, the source or sink,
Ql, denotes the charge transfer reactions in the porous electrode and/or the non-Faradaic source or sink due to double layer charge and discharge.