Saving Versions
There are various ways in which you can save a new version of an item, both within the Model Manager workspace and from one of the other workspaces. You can, for example, save a new version of the model opened in the COMSOL Desktop from the File menu by clicking Save Draft (), Save as Version (), or Save To () — see Saving Models to Databases.
In the Model Manager workspace, you can save a new version by clicking Save () in the Settings window. For a model this will, for example, update the model’s title, description, and filename, but leave the model tree, as well as any binary data like meshes, geometries, and solutions, unchanged. Other examples of saving versions include:
Creating a New Branch does not save new versions of the items included on the new branch — each item version on the new branch is initially the same as that on the parent branch.
Rename Item
From The Model Manager Window or the The Databases Tree, right-click and select Rename (), or press the keyboard shortcut F2, to change the title of an item via the Rename Item dialog box. The Location field shows the database, repository, and branch that the item will be renamed on.
Click OK to save the renamed item as a new version in the database.
Restore Version
You can restore an older version in the version history of an item as the new latest version. This enables you to, for example, recover an older model version without first having to open it in the COMSOL Desktop and manually save it as a new version via Save as Version ().
From The Versions Window, click Restore Version () to open the Restore Item Version dialog box. The Location field shows the database, repository, and branch that the item version will be restored to. The title of the restored version is shown in the Title field.
Click OK to perform the restore.
Restoring Versus Reverting
The different use cases for restoring a version and reverting a commit in which a version was saved are best exemplified via two examples: