Copying Model and File Locations
Model versions and file versions stored in a Model Manager database can be uniquely identified using an item version location. This is a text string URI that you can copy to your computer’s clipboard by right-clicking an item version in the Model Manager workspace and selecting Copy Location ().
Using Copy Location With Models
You can use Copy Location () to open a specific model version in another COMSOL Multiphysics program session:
A text string URI that uniquely identifies the model version is copied to your computer’s clipboard.
From the File menu in another COMSOL Multiphysics program session, select Open From ().
Select the Clipboard menu option in the Open window. The model version is shown as a single option in the list on the right. Click Open ().
An identical Clipboard menu option also appears in the Select Model window when you have copied a model version location — see Inserting Components, Materials, and Physics from Databases.
Using Copy Location With Files
For a file version, you can use Copy Location () to reference the file version from an input or output setting in the model opened in the COMSOL Desktop:
Right-click a file version in the Model Manager workspace and select Copy Location (). If the file version is a fileset, you will be asked to select which file location to copy in the Select File from Fileset dialog box. Select a file from the table and click OK.
A text string URI that uniquely identifies the file is copied to your computer’s clipboard.
The filename of the file, and the database the file belongs to, is displayed as a label in the Filename field. Depending on the input or output nature of the setting, you can now import or export data from or to the file in the database.
The Copy Location action is a good alternative to the Select File window when you want to reference an older version of a data file from a model.