The Auxiliary Data Window for Database Input and Output
The Auxiliary Data window includes data files stored in a database that are referenced in the opened model as input or output. For such files, you can:
Show all versions of the data file in The Versions Window in the Model Manager workspace. Click the Show Location button () in the toolbar. This is useful, for example, if you want to see potentially newer versions for the item in the database.
Save a new version of the file in the database using the file contents found in the working copy directory for the version. Click the Save as Version button () in the toolbar and save a new version in the Save File dialog box. This is useful, for example, if the model has written output data in the current COMSOL Multiphysics program session and that output has not yet been saved to the database. See also Loading and Saving Auxiliary Data Files Stored in Databases.
You can also see the current status of a referenced file version:
Database not connected — the status could not be determined as the database is not connected. Right-click a table row and select Connect to database (), or open the Model Manager workspace and activate the database from the Database section of the Home toolbar — see Activating a Database.
Up to date — the referenced file version is the latest version.
Newer versions exist — a later version exist on the same branch as the referenced file version.
Not authorized to access item — you do not meet the current permission requirements for accessing the file. See Permission Levels.
Not available in database — the referenced file version has been permanently deleted in the database.
Unsaved changes — the model has written output to the working copy directory of the file version in the current COMSOL Multiphysics program session and that output has not yet been saved to the database.
You can import data files stored on the file system into the same database as the model, thereby placing them under version control. Select the files you want to import in the table and click Import to Database () in the toolbar — see Importing Files.
You can also save a new version of a referenced file already present in the database by updating it from The Settings Window in the Model Manager workspace — see File Settings. Select the file in the Auxiliary Data window’s table and click the Update to Latest Version button () to use the new file version in the model.
The Auxiliary Data Window in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual