Searching in Branches
Select a branch in The Select Location Dialog Box to search for the latest versions of models and files in that branch. This is also the default location when you choose a database from the list on the left in the Open, Select File, and Select Model windows, or when Activating a Database in the Model Manager workspace.
The link button to open The Select Location Dialog Box is hidden in the Open, Select File, and Select Model windows when a database only contains a single branch and no snapshots.
Which search tools are available when searching for the latest versions of models and files is determined by the value selected in the Search list found in the Settings window for a branch — see Branch Settings. Select Item fields and content to enable the full Model Manager search functionality for the branch. Select Only text and tags to limit the search to the same capabilities as when Searching in Snapshots and Commits.
The Item fields and content value is the preferred and default selection for the main branch in a repository. You can then use all the search tools available in Model Manager, including applying Item and Content Filters from The Filter Dialog Box and writing custom filter queries using the The Model Manager Search Syntax. There is, however, a cost in terms of disk space usage by the corresponding search index — see also Updating Search Index. You may want to select Only text and tags when:
When Opening a Local Database from Multiple COMSOL Multiphysics Processes, search will be limited to that used when Searching in Snapshots and Commits for all processes except the first one to connect.