Select the sequence to Run from the list. The default is to run
All solver configurations. Click the
Go to Source buttonĀ (

) to go to the source solver configuration.
In this section you can control how the copy of the solutions are stored in the container. The container is a solver sequence that has Solution Store nodes. Each
Solution Store node is the solution computed for one of the parameter tuples in the
Parametric Sweep (Job Configurations). The name of the solution copy is generated from the current sequence name and parameter values. By default, the
Add solution to a container check box is selected and the
Clear previous list is set to
Clear container initially. You can choose between
Clear container initially,
Append solutions to container, or
Clear container for every new parameter value. To prevent any modifications to the container, clear the
Add solution to a container check box. Select the
Regenerate default solver sequence check box to generate a new solver sequence for each parameter value. If the check box is cleared, the solver sequence is not changed.
This section contains a table of parameters and solutions after running a batch job or a parametric sweep. In the Parameters column you find the parameters in the parametric sweep, for example, and the values for those parameters at that step in the sweep. The corresponding row of the
Solution column contains the name of the solution that corresponds to that set of parameter values. Typically,
Solution Store nodes store those solutions, which are also available from the
Solution list in the Solution datasets.