The Evaluate Derived Values node (

) evaluates some or all Derived Values nodes defined in the
Results branch of the model tree. To add this node, right-click the
Parametric Sweep (Job Configurations) or
Batch (Job Configurations) node and select it from the
Results submenu.
You select the Derived Values nodes to evaluate from the Evaluate list. The default behavior (
All) is to evaluate all Derived Values nodes. The node label is therefore by default set to
Evaluate All Derived Values. Select
Manual to add more than one but not all Derived Values nodes to the list that appears.
The Store output check box is selected by default to store the evaluated derived values in a table. Clear it if you do not want to store the derived values. If selected, choose
New or any existing table as the table to use from the
Destination table list. From the
Update destination list, select one of the following options to control the behavior of table updates:
From the Update table list, choose one of the options described above for the table updates.
Clear the Add parameters to description check box if you do not want to include the parameters in the table description.