Generating a Model Report
For a model for which you want to create a report, the following steps describe the general procedure:
Right-click Reports () and choose a report type that creates report nodes that describe the model with a suitable level of detail. The built-in report types, Brief Report, Intermediate Report, and Complete Report are always available. You can also create your own report templates based on either of the built-in ones, which then become accessible from the context menu and the ribbon tab under From Template; see Creating, Exporting, and Using Custom Report Templates for details. Alternatively, you can choose Custom Report and build the report node by node.
In the main Settings window for Report, specify the output format (HTML or Microsoft Word) and the location for the output file and the associated folder with images and style sheet information. You can also specify the style sheet to use for HTML reports and how to enumerate the sections in the report.
The top node is typically the Title Page node (). In its Settings window, you can define the title (defaults to the model’s filename), an image to use at the top of the report, author, date, and company information, and add a summary and acknowledgments if applicable.
Review the structure and contents of the report. You can add, move, edit, disable, and delete structural elements and report contents. In the Template section of the main Settings window for Report you can change the template and then click Generate () to regenerate the report. The Template setting also affects the level of details for any nodes you add manually.
The built-in report types define different levels of detail:
Brief Report: contains an overview of the model with all results and plots but no details about the physics interfaces, physics features, solver settings, or variables.
Intermediate Report: contains comprehensive information about the model, including the physics interface settings and variables but not complete information about the underlying equations, for example.
Complete Report: contains all information about the model, including physics interface details such as weak equation expressions and shape functions. This report is suitable for troubleshooting, for example.
Custom Report: contains an initially empty report, which you can configure using the available report components.