The Marker subnode (

) adds maximum and minimum markers. You can add it to 3D Volume, 2D and 3D Surface, and 2D and 3D Line plots. In the
Model Builder, add one of those plot types; then right-click the plot node and select
Marker. Contrary to adding a Max/Min Line, Max/Min Surface, or Max/Min Volume plot to the plot group, the Marker subnode does not perform any evaluations to generate its data — it uses the data generate by the parent Line, Surface, or Volume plot.
Select an option from the Display list to determine what to display:
Min and max (the default),
Min, or
Enter a Display precision for the number of decimals displayed in the labels. The default is 6.
Select the Prepend the position check box to include the position of the marker (its space coordinates) before the maximum and minimum values.
Select the Include unit check box to add the unit of the expression for which the plot shows the maximum or minimum value.
Select the Include unit check box to add a unit to the maximum and minimum values.
The Show point check point is selected by default to show the points for the minimum and maximum values. If desired, and if the
Show point check box is selected, change the value in the
Point radius field (default: 2) to a value between 0 and 1 to adjust the point size.
From the Color list, choose the color to use for the maximum and minimum values; choose
From theme (the default) to use the color from the current color theme; or choose
Custom to choose a custom color from a color palette.
From the Background color list, choose a background color for a rectangular area around the displayed maximum and minimum values; the default is
None, which means that there is no background color. Choose
From theme to use a background color that changes with the selected color theme.
From the Anchor point list, choose the position of the anchor point relative to the displayed values:
Upper right,
Upper middle,
Upper left (the default),
Middle right,
Middle left,
Lower right,
Lower middle, or
Lower left.
From the Orientation list, choose
Horizontal (the default) or
Vertical, if you want the values to be displayed vertically instead of horizontally.
Select the Show frame check box to display the maximum and minimum values in a rectangular frame. Select the frame background color from the
Background color list.