The Height Expression subnode (

) introduces 3D height to some 2D plots. Add it to make the height of the plot represent the plotted quantity or some other expression. 2D Surface; 2D Contour; 2D Function; 2D Histogram Matrix Histogram, and Table Histogram; 2D Line; Optical Aberration; and 2D Table Surface plots support the Height Expression attribute. In the
Model Builder, add and define a 2D
Table Surface,
Matrix Histogram,
Table Histogram, or
Optical Aberration plot; then right-click the plot node and select
Height Expression.
Under Expression, the
Height data defaults to
From parent to use the same dataset as the parent plot it belongs to. If
Expression is selected instead, see
Expressions and Predefined Quantities. This section is not available for the
Height Expression node when added under an
Optical Aberration node.
When added to a Table Surface node where the data format is a filled table or determined by picking columns, you can select
Data instead of
From parent (the default setting) from the
Height data list (this option is also available for the data format where the table data are treated as cells, but then the only option is to plot the imaginary part).
When added to a Table Surface node, you can use the settings in this section to scale the height data (for example, to convert the values to another unit).
From the Preprocessing list, choose
Linear to apply a linear scaling and shift in the
Scaling and
Shift fields, respectively. The default values — a scaling factor of 1 and a shift of 0 — do not change the values of the height data.
For a manual scaling of the height data, select the check box and enter a Scale factor to control the height of the added 3D plot. Enter an
Offset (default value: 0) or use the associated slider to control the base location (relative to the 2D surface’s level). The offset value is relative to the geometry space and is not scaled. The height axis appears by default; clear the
Show height axis check box to hide it.
The Height Expression subnode makes the plot a 3D plot, which needs a 3D view for the grid, camera, lighting, and other 3D view settings. Select the 3D view to use from the
View list. The default is
Automatic, which creates a 3D view if needed. Alternatively, select one of the existing
View 3D nodes in the model. It is also possible to choose
New view. The plot then uses that new view, which appears as a
View 3D (

) node under