Use a Parametric Extrusion 1D (

) or
Parametric Extrusion 2D (

) dataset to extend another dataset by using a parameter, such as time, as a dimension. Select these from the
More Datasets and
More 2D Datasets submenus.
From the Level transformation list, select
None (the default) to use no transformation of the extrusion level, or select
Expression to enter an expression in the
Transformation expression field. The default expression is
level, which is a predefined variable for the extrusion level (that is, no transformation). You can instead use an expression that is a function of
level, such as
log10(level) for a logarithmic transformation to create a directivity plot, for example.
Select the Level scale factor check box to edit the field. The default factor value is 1. The level scale factor applies to the transformed levels. The
Separate levels check box is selected by default.