Maximum and Minimum
Select the Maximum evaluation () or Minimum evaluation () dataset, found under the More Datasets submenu, to create a dataset that computes the maximum or minimum of another dataset.
Select a Dataset for the data to compute the maximum or minimum. To compute the maximum or minimum for a Solution dataset, use a Selection to define the geometric entity (point, boundary, edge, or domain) to integrate over. Right-click the dataset and select Selection.
Select a Geometry level: Taken from dataset (the default), Volume, Surface, Line, or Point. The default means the highest geometry dimension for the data in the dataset: typically volumes in 3D, surfaces in 2D, and lines in 1D.
Select the evaluation point type from the Point type list:
Lagrange points (the default) to evaluate the maximum or minimum value in the Lagrange points. Select a Lagrange order (default: 5; the Lagrange order is the number of partitions of an element edge) to adjust the accuracy of the minimum or maximum values.
Node points to evaluate the maximum or minimum value in the node points of the extended mesh.
Integration points to evaluate the maximum or minimum value in the integration points. Select an Integration order (default: 4) to adjust the accuracy of the minimum or maximum values.