For plots on cut planes, use Cut Plane datasets (

), which are made on 3D datasets and can be visualized in either 2D or 3D plot groups. All plots and results analysis nodes available in 2D are available for cut plane datasets as well as for surfaces in 3D. The cut plane corresponds to an orthogonal 2D coordinate system embedded in 3D. This dataset is used to create 3D cross-section surface plots. You can right-click the
Cut Plane dataset node to add a
Selection subnode if desired
Under Space variables, you can change the name of the space variables
x and
y for the cut plane’s coordinates from their default values (
cpl1x and
cpl1y, for example). These names appear as column titles for the coordinate columns in the
Table window when displayed in numerical results from a Cut Plane dataset.
Under Normal variables, if desired, edit the variable names for the components of the normal vector —
ny, and
nz. The default names are
cpl1ny, and
cpl1nz, respectively.