Array Factor
Select an Array Factor () dataset, found under the More Datasets submenu, to define array factors for use in radiation pattern plots in RF simulations of antenna arrays, simplifying the analysis for a periodic antenna array. You can choose an Array Factor dataset as the dataset for the input data in Radiation Pattern plots.
Select a Dataset for the data to be the input to the average factor computation.
Array Definitions
Use the settings in this section to define the array for the array factors.
From the Plane list, choose the plane for the array factor: xy-plane (the default), yz-plane, or zx-plane.
From the two columns (for example, x and y, if xy-plane was selected), enter the following properties, which are used when transforming the expression under Evaluation:
Array size: Enter the array size as positive integers in the plane directions.
Phase shift: Enter the phase shift (in radians) in the plane directions, which can use a parameter for the steering angle to sweep over a number of such angles.
Displacement: Enter the displacements in the plane directions for the distances between the arrays as factors of the array wavelength (typical values would be close to 0.5).
Use the settings in this section to define the function to evaluate for the array factor.
In the Function field, enter an expression to evaluate, typically emw1.af3, using the af3 function for a uniform three-dimensional array factor (requires a license for the RF Module).
From the Scale list, choose Linear (the default) or dB for a decibel scale.
Select the Normalization check box if you want the evaluation to be normalized with respect to the number of power inputs, which can be, for example, a single power input or one power input for each antenna in the antenna array.
With a license for the RF Module, see Modeling of a Phased Array Antenna for an example of the use of an Array Factor dataset: Application Library path RF_Module/Antenna_Arrays/microstrip_patch_antenna_periodic.