Phase (Subnode)
Right-click a Multiphase Material node to add a Phase subnode () to define properties of a phase in the material.
The Phase node’s Settings window is similar to the Settings window for a material node (see The Settings Window for Material), with the exception that it includes a Volume fraction and Link settings sections:
Volume Fractions
When the phase material is selected as the constrained phase in the parent multiphase material, its volume fraction is defined as one minus the sum of volume fractions of the other phases. If the current phase is not the constrained phase, enter a value or expression between 0 and 1 in the Volume fraction Vf field.
Link Settings
From the Material list, select the material that you want to link to:
None, to not link to any material. In that case, the Material properties section will be available (see The Settings Window for Material).
Click the Go to Material button () to move to the selected material node. Click the Add Material from Library button () to add a global material from the material libraries or a new blank global material. The added material then becomes the one selected in the Material list.