Topology Link
Add a Topology Link node () under a Materials node in a model component to add material based on a material that you have added under the global Materials node () and Density Model use() that you have added under the component Definitions node (). To add it, right-click the Materials node and choose Topology Link from the More Materials submenu.
The Topology Link will be added automatically, if one of the topology optimization study steps is chosen in the model wizard.
Link Settings
From the Material list, select the global material that you want to link to:
Any Switch node, if you want to run a material sweep.
None, to not link to any global material.
From the Topology source list, select the Density Model, which should modify the material. The Density model will scale the Young’s modulus with the penalized material volume factor (dtopo#.theta_p), and the density with the output material volume factor (dtopo#.theta).