Merging a Material with Another Material
You can merge a material with another material. The other material, with which that material is merged, then inherits all material properties from the material that you merge. If both materials include the same material properties, then the values of those material properties in the material that you merge with another material are used in the other, remaining material. The Material node for the node that you merge with another material is removed from the model tree. To merge a material, do the following steps:
Right-click the Material node for the material that you want to merge with another material in the model.
From the Merge With context menu, choose one of the materials in the same folder (under Global Materials, or under Materials in a Component), or choose a material from another folder.
The material is then merged with the material that you selected from the Merge With menu. The material property values from this Material node is then used in the other material, and the original material property values are overwritten if both materials included some common material properties. This Material node is removed.
You can also use the Merge With menu () on the Materials toolbar.