You can add a Parameter Check node (

) to a geometry part or a geometry sequence to check the values of the input parameters (or local or global parameters). Such a check can be useful to make sure that a parameter value stays within a certain range, especially for input parameters to geometry used in geometry models. The check gives an error or warning if the condition that you provide is nonzero (true). For example,
r>30[mm] displays the given message if the value of the parameter
r exceeds 30 mm. Put the node at a position before the use of the parameter if you want the error or warning to appear before using the parameter that you want to check when building a geometry feature. The error appears in an
Error window and also as an
Error subnode under the
Parameter Check node. The warning appears as a
Warning subnode under the
Parameter Check node. You enter the condition, type of message, and message to display in the following section:
In the Condition field, type an expression in terms of the parameters (global, local, and input parameters). When you build the feature, an error or warning occurs if the expression is nonzero.
In the Message type list, select if to display an
Error or a
Warning and type the error or warning message to display if the condition is fulfilled in the
Message field.