Loaded Part Settings
A loaded Part node contains a link to a geometry part in another MPH-file and has no subnodes. The Settings window for a loaded Part node includes the following sections:
In the File section you specify the location of the part that you load:
A Filename field where you specify the path and filename to the Model MPH-file with the part that you are loading. Click Browse () to search for a Model MPH-file with at least one part on the file system. The part that you load is displayed under Part. This Filename field is set to the Model MPH-file that you selected with the Load Part command.
Click Reload to load the current version of the part in the other Model MPH-file if necessary.
Click Replace from Library to open the Part Libraries window and choose a compatible geometry part that you then link to instead, replacing the current link.
This section includes the label and tag of the part that you link to.
This section contains a description of the part, if available.
For parts loaded from a part library shipped with COMSOL Multiphysics or any of the add-on modules, or other parts that include a thumbnail image, that associated descriptive image of the part appears here.
This section contains version information for the part at the time when it was linked in the model: a version number and the date and time for when it was last modified.