Under a Part node or
Local Part node you define and create a geometry sequence with geometric primitives and features as subnodes. The
Settings window for a
Part node is identical to the
Settings window for a corresponding
Geometry node of the same dimension, except that there is an
Input Parameters section and no
Automatic rebuild check box (see
The Geometry Node). There is also special settings for part variants and selections in the
Advanced section (see below).
Enter the names of the input parameters (arguments) in the Name column. In the
Default expression column, enter their default values as expressions in terms of global parameters and numerical values. The corresponding values appear in the
Value column. Optionally, enter descriptions for the input parameters in the
Description column. Use the
Move Up (

Move Down (

), and
Delete (

) buttons to organize the list. Click the
Save to File button (

) and the
Load from File button (

) to save and load parameters to and from a text file. When saving to Excel, an
Excel Save dialog box appears where you can specify the sheet and range and whether to overwrite existing data, include a header, use a separate column for units, or include the calculated values for the parameters. Click the
Insert Expression button (

) or press Ctrl+Space to insert an available or applicable expression such as a global parameter.
Select the Show as variant in part library check box to create a part variant; that is, the part is one of two or more variants of the same geometry part. You can use this functionality to make it possible to choose variants of a part instead of different separate geometry parts. Parts in the same MPH-file that are not variants are not visible for users of the part library. It can be a part that creates the basic part for which the part variants provide transformation of the input parameters, for example. When you add a part from an MPH-file that includes variants, a
Select Part Variant window appears, where you can choose the variant that you want to use.
Select the Keep selections by default in instances check box to select the
Keep check boxes for selections in instances of this part.