Use the Implicit Event node (

) to specify an event that occurs when a condition involving an indicator state is fulfilled. When an event occurs, it is possible to specify reinitialization of global state variables. Right-click an
Implicit Event node to add a
Reinitialization on Domains, Boundaries, Edges, or Points node.
Enter the condition in the Condition field using only indicator states, comparisons operators (
< or
>), and logical operators (
||, or
&&). When the condition changes its state from false to true at the zero crossing of one of the indicator states, this triggers the implicit event.
For example, use z>0 to trigger the event when the indicator state
z goes from negative to positive, and use
z<0 to trigger when
z goes from positive to negative. The condition is only evaluated at zero crossings of the indicator states, so, for example, using
z>1 as a condition never triggers the event.
The Use consistent initialization check box is selected by default, which implies that the time-dependent solver will correct the dependent variables after reinitialization. If the provided reinitialization values lead to a consistent state, you can clear this check box to obtain a performance gain. See
About the Reinitialization Process for more information.
In the table under Variables, enter any global dependent variable name. In the
Expression column, enter the corresponding reinitialization expression for each variable.