Running or Opening a Model or Application and Its Documentation
Running an Application
You can run an application built with the Application Builder by clicking  Run application. This button is not activated for models.
Opening a Model or Application
To open a model or application of your choice — chosen by first, for example, using a search (see Searching the Application Libraries) or by browsing the Application Libraries tree:
It is possible to open and postprocess models that include functionality that you have blocked or that your license does not include. Nodes with functionality that requires a license for a product that is blocked or not available get a License Error subnode (), where you find information about the missing but required product license. Unless you disable or remove such nodes, it is not possible to re-solve such models.
If the node represents a solved model () or a compact () or solved application, the file will open directly. If, instead, the file is a compact model MPH-file or a preview file () and you are connected to the internet, you will be presented with one of the following download options:
If you select Do not show this dialog again (preference setting), the local file will open directly the next time you open a compact model. If you change your mind later, you can control the behavior using the Ask about download before opening compact application file check box on the Application Libraries page of the Preferences dialog box.
If you have no internet connection or if the Application Library Update server is unavailable for some other reason, these dialogs will not appear and the associated context-menu options will not be shown. You can entirely disable availability checks on the Preferences dialog’s Application Libraries page under Libraries by clearing the Check Application Library Update availability on first access check box. (If you already opened the Application Libraries window, this setting will take effect in the next session.)
Opening a PDF Document
To read the documentation in PDF format, including step-by-step instructions:
You can enable the Open PDF Document button for a user-library model or application by placing a PDF-file with the same name (including case, up to the file extension) as the MPH-file in the same folder.
Opening the Application Gallery
The Application Gallery, which is a part of the COMSOL website, provides access to a large number of models and applications. You can download the MPH-files, PDF documentation, and other related files to extend the application libraries. Click the Application Gallery button () above the application libraries tree to open the Application Gallery in a web browser.