Unit Systems
The COMSOL Multiphysics software supports the following unit systems:
Metric Unit Systems
Electromagnetic units (EMU). This system is based on Ampère’s law, which defines the unit of electric current once you select an appropriate value for the constant C. When dealing exclusively with magnetic effects, it is convenient to set C = 1. If CGS units are used for the remaining basic dimensions, the current unit is called an abampere, and the corresponding coherent unit system is called electromagnetic units. Unique names for derived units have been introduced by prefixing the SI name with ab-. For a list of EMU units, see Special EMU Units.
Electrostatic units (ESU). Based on Coulomb’s law for the force between point charges, ESU uses a unit of charge called the statcoulomb with CGS units for length, mass, and time. From there, the statampere, or franklin, and other derived units of the electrostatic unit system follow. For a list of ESU units, see Special ESU Units.
English Unit Systems
If you want to use another unit system than SI as the default unit system for new models, you can choose the unit system to use from the In new models list under Unit system on the Model Builder page in the Preferences dialog box.