The Select Model Window
When you right-click the root node and choose Insert Components From () or right-click a Component node and choose Insert Physics From (), the Select Model window opens. You can also open if by right-clicking a Materials node and choose Import Materials From () or by selecting Import Material From from the Import Materials menu in the Materials toolbar. In that window, you can choose from the following options:
Click Clipboard () to open a database model when the clipboard contains a valid database model location string. Such a string can, for example, be obtained by selecting Copy Location from the context menu for a model in the Model Manager workspace.
Click Add Database () to add a new database using the Add Database window that opens. See Adding Databases in the Model Manager Reference Manual.
Click Browse () to open a file browsing dialog box (Interpolation Data, for example) and choose a location and filename of the model file to open.
Click Cancel () to exit this window.