The Versions Window
The Versions window contains a list of versions stored in a database for a model. It shows the history of the model currently opened in the COMSOL Desktop when that model has been opened from a database or was last saved to a database. You can use the Versions window to get an overview of recently saved versions, compare two versions of a model, open older versions, and even restore a model as the latest version. See also The Versions Window for the COMSOL Desktop Model in the Model Manager Reference Manual.
The current version is shown in a boldface font.
The toolbar on top of the Version window contains the following toolbar buttons, which are enabled when they are applicable:
Click the Refresh button () to refresh the table in case a new version has been saved by someone else.
Click the Show More button () to add more versions to the table.
Click the Version Details button () to open the Version Details dialog box, which contains more information about the selected version. You can also right-click a selected model and choose Version Details.
Click the Open button () to open the selected model version in the COMSOL Desktop. You can also right-click a selected model and choose Open.
Click the Run button () to open and run a select version of an application; for other COMSOL models, this option is not available.
Click the Compare button () to compare the selected version of a model with the current model that has been opened in the COMSOL Desktop, or select two different versions to compare those to each other. You can also right-click a model version and choose Compare to compare it to the current model or right-click two selected model versions and choose Compare to compare those versions to each other.
Click the Restore Version button () to save the selected version of the model as a new latest version. You can also right-click a selected version and choose Restore Version.
In addition, you can right-click a model version and choose these options:
Select Copy Location () to create a text string with a URI that uniquely identifies the model version in the database and copy it to the clipboard.
Select Permanently Delete Version () to permanently delete the selected version in the database. This change cannot be undone.