The following sections in the Settings windows for the nonlocal coupling nodes are similar or the same for some of the nonlocal coupling nodes and are described in this section.
Enter a name for the operator in the Operator name field or use the default name. This is the name that is used to access the operator in the model, so use a name that describes it well. For example,
genext1 is the default name for the first General Extrusion coupling operator, and you can use it to evaluate a temperature
T in the destination using
genext1(T), for example.
From the Geometric entity level list, select
Edge (3D only), or
Point. Select
All domains,
All boundaries,
All edges, or
All points from the
Selection list. If
Manual is selected, select geometric entities in the
Graphics window. Select
All domains, for example, to add all applicable geometry to the
Selection list.
The selection of Source Vertices and Destination Vertices define the linear mapping from the destination to the source.
Click the Active button to activate one of the vertex selections. You can toggle between turning ON

and OFF

Select a single source vertex for each of Source vertex 1,
Source vertex 2,
Source vertex 3, and
Source vertex 4. Then select a single destination vertex for each of
Destination vertex 1,
Destination vertex 2,
Destination vertex 3, and
Destination vertex 4 (vertex 4 is available for
Linear Extrusion only).
For Linear Extrusion: The number of source vertices must be at least one and not more than 1+min(srcsdim,dstsdim), where srcsdim and dstsdim are the dimensions of the source and destination geometries, respectively. The number of destination vertices entered should be the same as the number of source vertices. If not all destination vertex selections are used, the empty selections must be last.
For Linear Projection, select srcedim+1 source vertices where srcedim is the dimension of the source selection. Depending on the dimension of the source selection, it can be that some of the last source vertex selections should be left empty. The number of destination vertices should be one less than the number of source vertices. If not all destination vertex selections are used, the empty selections must be last. Select srcedim destination vertices where srcedim is the dimension of the source selection. Depending on the dimension of the source selection, it can be that some of the last destination vertex selections should be left empty.
An evaluation point in the destination geometry is first orthogonally projected onto the linear space spanned by the destination vertices (unless they span the entire space). The projected point is then mapped to the source geometry by a linear mapping taking each destination vertex to the corresponding source vertex. Let L be the line through this point, which is parallel to a line through the first and last source vertices. If the source selection lies in the linear space spanned by the source vertices, the Linear Projection operator is evaluated by integrating along
L. In general, the operator is evaluated by integrating along the line or curve in the source selection, which is mapped to
L under orthogonal projection onto the linear space spanned by the source vertices.
Select Manual or
All boundaries from the
Selection list to define the source selection. If
Manual is selected, select boundaries in the
Graphics window. Select
All boundaries to add all boundaries to the
Selection list.
There can only be one destination boundary. Click the Active button to enable or disable the
Destination Boundary selection. Then choose the boundary in the
Graphics window.
Select a Source frame to use in the source. In most cases the
Source section default settings can be used. Optionally, select the
Use source map check box and enter expressions in the
y-expression, and
z-expression fields (in 3D) for the source map from the source to the intermediate mesh.
For the General Extrusion nonlocal coupling, the number of source map expressions is the same as the number of destination map expressions. With the default source map expressions, the intermediate mesh can be considered identical to the source.
The dimensionality idim of the intermediate space is determined by the number of nonempty source and destination map expressions, which must be the same, and must also satisfy
srcedim ≤ idim ≤ srcsdim, where
srcedim is the dimension of the source selection, and
srcsdim is the dimension of the source geometry.
For the General Extrusion,
Linear Extrusion,
Boundary Similarity, and
Identity Mapping nonlocal couplings, select an option from the
Mesh search method list to specify what should happen if an evaluation point in the destination is mapped to a point outside the source:
If Use tolerance is selected (the default), the mapping fails if there is no source mesh within the distance given by the value in the Extrapolation tolerance field.
If Closest point is selected, the closest point in the source selection is used, even if that point is far away from the destination point. Note that this algorithm is not as efficient as Use tolerance or Walk in connected component.
If Walk in connected component is selected, a simple walk through the source mesh is made. This method should not be used if the component is not connected. On the other hand, if you expect that your mapping is outside, and that is fine, then this alternative will return a result fast in that situation rather than spend time going through different search approaches.
Enter a scalar positive value in the Extrapolation tolerance field. If the mapped point is within a distance of the extrapolation tolerance times the mesh element size, the point is considered to be in the source. Otherwise, the mapping fails.
Select the Use NaN when mapping fails check box to evaluate the operator to NaN (Not-a-Number) if the mapping fails. Otherwise, an error occurs.
For the Integration and
Average couplings, select
Integration or
Summation over nodes from the
Method list. In most cases use integration. Summation over nodes is useful, for example, for calculating reaction forces.
You can only use the Summation over nodes option for expressions that have uniquely defined values in the nodal points.
If Integration is selected, enter a value in the
Integration order field (see
integration order in the
Glossary). Also, when working with multiple frames, select a
Frame from the list for the volume element to be used in the integration.
For axisymmetric geometries, the Compute integral in revolved geometry check box is selected by default to perform the integration in 3D (for a 2D axisymmetric model) or in 2D (for a 1D axisymmetric model).