Common Settings for the Definitions Nodes
Many nodes that can be added under the Global Definitions node or a Definitions node at the Component level share the same settings or use settings generally found throughout COMSOL Multiphysics.
Common Buttons on the Settings Windows
The following buttons are available on many of the Settings windows and are mostly self explanatory. These are not explicitly described or explained for every node.
In general, use the Move Up (), Move Down (), and Delete () buttons and the fields under tables to edit the table contents. Or right-click a table cell and select Move Up, Move Down, or Delete.
The Add button () under a list of named selections opens an Add dialog box that contains all existing selections for the same geometric entity level.
To save the contents of a table, click the Save to File button () and enter a File name in the Save to File dialog box, including the extension .txt. Click to Save the text file. The information is saved in space-separated columns in the same order as displayed on screen.
Use the Load from File button () and Load from File dialog box to import data in text files, generated by, for example, a spreadsheet program. Data must be separated by spaces or tabs (or be in a Microsoft Excel Workbook spreadsheet if the license includes LiveLink™ for Excel®).
In editable table cells (in the settings windows for Parameters and Variables, for example), you can triple-click with the mouse to select all content
For Mass Properties, Participation Factors, Matrix and other matrix utility nodes, Selections, and Coordinate Systems, you must specify a Name that is unique within the model component where the feature is added. You can use this Name in expressions, and it is also the node’s Tag. A unique default Name is always generated when the node is created. See Settings and Properties Windows for Feature Nodes and Displaying Node Names, Tags, and Types in the Model Builder for more information.
For Coordinate Systems it provides a namespace for variables created by the coordinate system. The default Name is sys1. For example, the determinant of the coordinate system’s transformation matrix can typically be accessed in equations and postprocessing as sys1.detT. See the Equation View subnode for a complete list of available variables.
To display the Equation View node under all nodes creating variables, click the Show More Options button () and select Equation View in the Show More Options dialog box. See also Equation View.
Function Name
For all Functions you must specify a Function name that is unique on the global level or within the model component where the feature is added. You can use this function name or operator name in expressions, and it is also the node’s Tag. A unique default function name or operator name is always generated when the node is created. See Functions.
Variable Name
For all Probes you must specify a Variable name that is unique within the model component where the feature is added. You can use this Variable name in expressions, and it is also the node’s Tag. A unique default Variable name is always generated when the node is created. See Probes.
Operator Name
For all Nonlocal Couplings you must specify an Operator name that is unique within the model component where the feature is added. You can use this Operator name in expressions, and it is also the node’s Tag. A unique default Operator name is always generated when the node is created. See Nonlocal Couplings and Coupling Operators.
Pair Name
For all Pairs you must specify a Pair name that is unique within the model component where the feature is added. You can use this Pair name in expressions, and it is also the node’s Tag. A unique default Pair name is always generated when the node is created. See Identity and Contact Pairs.
To display the Equation View node under all nodes creating variables, click the Show More Options button () and select Equation View in the Show More Options dialog box. See also Equation View.