Physics Utilities
You can add Physics Utilities () from the Definitions node under the Component (local) nodes. If Group by Type is active, the variable utility nodes appear in the Physics Utilities () branch.
Right-click Physics Utilities, or right-click Definitions, and from the Physics Utilities submenu, choose from the following variable utility nodes:
Mass Properties: for computing mass properties such as mass, volume, and center of mass. See Mass Properties.
Mass Contributions: for adding extra contributions to a Mass Properties node. This option is only available if a Mass Properties node is selected in the Model Builder tree. See Mass Contributions
Participation Factors: for computing modal participation factors. See Participation Factors.
Response Spectrum: for computing modal participation factors and setting up data for a response spectrum analysis. See Response Spectrum.
Buckling Imperfection for setting up a deformed geometry and associated study when performing a nonlinear buckling study of a structure with imperfections. See Buckling Imperfection.