Cluster Computing
Use the Cluster Computing study step when you want to submit COMSOL Multiphysics batch jobs to a job scheduler that in turn runs the batch job on a second computer or cluster.
Syntax, "ClusterComputing");,value);
Study step.
The following properties are available.
on | off
general | whpc2008 | sge | slurm | pbs | none
on | off
The scheduler for the batch job, if clustertype is whpc2008, slurm, or pbs.
The name for the cluster queue, if clustertype is sge, slurm, or pbs.
on | off
on | off
User account for submitting the job if clustertype is whpc2008, slurm, or pbs.
on | off
File for commands when remotecmd is file.
none | scp | file | user
on | off
none | ssh | file | mpi | user
native | windows | linux
ssh | putty | user
on | off