Mesh (Plot)
Create a mesh plot.
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result(<pgtag>).create(<ftag>,"Mesh") creates a mesh plot feature named <ftag> belonging to the plot group <pgtag>.
This plot type provides visualization of meshes.
The following properties are available:
on | off
Whether to show color legend when elemcolor is set to quality or size.
true | false
The element color table to use when elemcolor is set to quality or size. See Color Tables for a list of color tables. 2D and 3D only.
none | reverse | nonlinear | nonlinearsymmetric
Transformation of the color table, when coloring is set to colortable or gradient.
none | parent | dataset name
quality | size | type | color
How to color the elements 2D and 3D only. The default, quality, uses a mesh quality measure. size colors the elements according to the local mesh element size. type colors the elements according to their mesh element type.
random | quality | qualityrev | size | expression | logicalexpression
If filteractive is on: The expression to use for filtering when only a subset of the elements are shown. 2D and 3D only.
all | tri | quad
all | tet | pyr | prism | hex
on | off
all | point | edge | surface | volume (if 3D)
none | geom | physics field name
When set to geom or the name of a physics field included in the solution dataset, such as comp1.u, show node points, including interior node points for higher-order elements when data is a solution dataset.
on | off
Whether to reverse to color table or gradient when coloring is set to colortable or gradient and colortabletrans is set to nonlinear or nonlinearsymmetric.
Plot on secondary y-axis, if twoyaxes is set to true in the parent plot group. For 1D graph plots only.
skewness | maxangle | volcircum | vollength | condition | growth | custom
The element refinement to use, if resolution is set to manual. Bear in mind that this is the refinement used for the base dataset, so the number of elements in the model can increase radically if the plot uses, for example, a revolve dataset.
norefine | coarse | normal | fine | finer | extrafine | custom
The scale factor applied to the point radii if nodepoints is geom or a physics field.
manual | parent
If data is a local dataset with nontrivial data, specify solutions manually or take them from the parent plot group.
The title to use when titletype is manual. 2D and 3D only.
auto | manual | none
auto, if the title contribution should be computed automatically, possibly using the group’s customization. manual, if the manual title should be used (the title property). none, if no title should be displayed. 2D and 3D only.
none | color
How to color the wireframe mesh; none means that it is not displayed at all. 2D and 3D only.
size | none
Deform, Filter (Plot Attribute), Selection (Dataset Attribute), Translation, Transparency (3D only)
See Also
Mesh (Dataset)