MeasureVolume, MeasureSurface, MeasureLine, MeasureDistance
Add a volume, surface, or line measurement to evaluate a volume, surface area, or line length for a model geometry.
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).getImag(<allocate>, <columnwise>);
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).getImag(<allocate>, <columnwise>,<outersolnum>);
When added to an evaluation group, replace numerical(<ftag>) with evaluationGroup(<ftag>).
model.result().numerical().create(<ftag>,"MeasureVolume") creates a volume measurement feature with the name <ftag>.
model.result().numerical().create(<ftag>,"MeasureSurface") creates a surface measurement feature with the name <ftag>.
model.result().numerical().create(<ftag>,"MeasureLine") creates a line measurement feature with the name <ftag>.
model.result().numerical().create(<ftag>,"MeasureDistance") creates a distance measurement feature with the name <ftag>.
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).getReal() returns the real result, recomputing the feature if necessary. Data is ordered such that one row contains data for all solution numbers. This is identical to (columnwise) when columnwise is false. If columnwise is true, the ordering is the opposite: each column contains the values for all solution numbers.
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).getImag(allocate, columnwise) returns the imaginary part of complex result, recomputing the feature if necessary. If allocate is true, a zero-valued matrix is allocated even when the result is real. getImag() uses allocate true and columnwise false.
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).isComplex() returns true if the result is complex. The resulting value is a scalar, which true if any of the expressions in an array is complex-valued.
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).isComplex(<outersolnum>) returns true if the result is complex for the given outer solution. <outersolnum> is applicable only for parametric sweep solutions and is the index of each outer parametric solution.
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).computeResult() returns the matrix of data that the setResult method adds to a table. The matrix includes data only, not the parameter columns, and it does not use any table-specific settings.
model.result().numerical(<ftag>).setResult() and model.result().numerical(<ftag>).appendResult() evaluate the feature and set or append the result in the table indicated by the table property.
The following properties are available:
none | parent | dataset name
The dataset this feature refers to. parent is only applicable if used in an evaluation group.
average | integral | maximum | minimum | none | rms | stddev | variance
auto | integration | summation
Volume, Area, Length, or Distance
on | off
linpoint | harmonic | lintotal | lintotalavg | lintotalrms | lintotalpeak
mesh | material | spatial | geometry | fromdataset
all | first | last | manual | manualindices | interp
How to input the solution to use. manual indicates that solnum is used. manualindices indicates that solnumindices is used. interp indicates that t is used.
The times to use, for transient levels. Available when data is not parent and the underlying data is transient.
on | off
on | off
on | off
An alternative way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when looplevelinput is manualindices on a level.
String array with all | first | last | manual | manualindices | interp on each level
all on all levels
How to input the solution to use, per level. manual on a level indicates that looplevel is used on that level. manualindices on a level indicates that looplevelindices is used on that level. interp on a level indicates that interp is used on that level.
auto | integration | summation
abs | real
first | last | maximum | none
all | first | last | manual | manualindices
How to input the outer solutions to use. Applicable only for parametric sweep models. manual indicates that outersolnum is used. manualindices indicates that outersolnumindices is used.
An alternative way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when innerinput is manualindices.
solnum | solutioninfo
manual | parent
If data is a local dataset with nontrivial data and the feature is part of an evaluation group, specify solutions manually or take them from the parent evaluation group.
new | table name
The table to use when calling setResult() or appendResult(). new indicates that a new table is created.
inner | outer | data | level1
Whether to use inner or outer solutions as columns in the table when calling setResult() or appendResult(). Applicable only for parametric sweep models. The level values (level1, level2, and so on) are the levels in the parametric sweep.
on | off
on if t is used to determine time steps; off if solnum is used.
See Also
AvVolume, AvSurface, AvLine, EvalGlobal, EvalPoint, Global (Numerical), IntVolume, IntSurface, IntLine