default | long
The color cycle, when linecolor is set to cycle. With default, it contains 7 colors; with long, it contains 19 colors.
Time corresponding to last selected solnum for transient levels.
The time to use, for transient levels. Available when data is not parent and the underlying data is transient.
on | off
automatic | manual
Whether to use the automatic legends or the legends supplied in the legends property.
How to color the lines in the graph. Cycle indicates that the colors is different for each line segments feature in a 1D plot. Use cyclereset to restart the cycling of colors from the first color.
double | preference
The index of the solution to use, per level, or interp, but only for transient solutions. Available when data is not parent and the underlying data has multiple solutions.
interp | datapoints
Controls whether the positions of the markers are in the data points of the plot, or interpolated depending on the number (set in markers). Markers are visible when linemarker is set.
The number of markers to show. Markers are visible when linemarker is set.
The index of the solution to use. Available when data is not parent and the underlying data has multiple solutions.
solnum | solutioninfo
manual | parent
If data is a local dataset with nontrivial data, specify solutions manually or take them from the parent plot group.
The time to use, for transient problems. Available when data is not parent and the underlying data is transient.
on | off
auto, if the title should be computed automatically. custom, if the title should be computed automatically, but customized. label, if the title should be the plot group’s label. manual, if the manual title should be used (the title property). none, if no title should be displayed.
Descriptions for the x-coordinates. Specify them using the setIndex method.
Expressions for the x-coordinates. Specify them using the setIndex method.
Units for the x-coordinates. Specify them using the setIndex method.
Descriptions for the y-coordinates. Specify them using the setIndex method.
Expressions for the y-coordinates. Specify them using the setIndex method.
Units for the y-coordinates. Specify them using the setIndex method.