Plot a joint probability distribution.
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result().dataset().create(<ftag>,"JointProbabilityDistribution"); creates a joint probability distribution plot in 2D plot groups as a postprocessing step for models using uncertainty quantification.
The following properties are available:
true | false
The color table to use when plotcontours is set to true. See Color Tables for a list of color tables.
The x-axis column for the parameter pair when mode is set to pair.
The y-axis column for the parameter pair when mode is set to pair.
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
The RGB values for a custom hi color, when histogramcolor is set to custom.
The description of the expression in expr. Is used in the automatic title.
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
custom | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
overview | pair
The number of contour levels, if plotcontours is set to true.
true | false
true | false
Plot estimated distribution, if mode is set to overview.
true | false
Plot histogram, if mode is set to overview.
true | false
none | table name
The title to use when titletype is manual.
auto | label | manual | none
auto, if the title should be computed automatically. label, if the title should be the plot group’s label. manual, if the manual title should be used (the title property). none, if no title should be displayed.
x-axis padding, when mode is set to pair.
y-axis padding, when mode is set to pair.