Create an impulse response plot for 1D plot groups. This plot type requires the Acoustics Module.
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result(<pgtag>).create(<ftag>,"ImpulseResponse") creates an impulse response plot feature named <ftag> belonging to the plot group <pgtag>.
Impulse response plots are primarily used for postprocessing of acoustics simulations. Impulse response plots can be added to 1D plot groups.
The following properties are available:
on | off
on | off
on | off
Whether to use the automatically computed legends or the legends defined in the legends property. The automatic legends display the description and expression for each line.
on | off
default | long
The color cycle, when linecolor is set to cycle. With default, it contains 7 colors; with long, it contains 19 colors.
{0,0,1} or last used edgecolor
none | parent | dataset name
Reference value for display in dB, if dbref is manual (and indb is true).
maximum | manual
10log | 20log
on | off
on | off
real | imaginary | amplitude | phase | spectrum
When transform is fourier: Show the DFT as real or imaginary part, amplitude, phase, or frequency spectrum.-
If fouriershow is spectrum and freqrangeactive is true: The upper frequency bound.
If fouriershow is spectrum and freqrangeactive is true: The lower frequency bound.
true | false
If fouriershow is spectrum: Controls whether a manual frequency range is used.
octave | octave3 | octave6
true | false
If fouriershow is not spectrum: ignore last sample.
true | false
Display the amplitude or frequency spectrum in dB when fouriershow is amplitude or spectrum.
on | off
The precision for the evaluated expression when legendmethod is set to evaluated.
automatic | manual | evaluated
A legend string to be evaluated when legendmethod is set to evaluated.
Manual legends active when legendmethod is set to manual.
custom | cycle | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
double | preference
none | cycle | asterisk | circle | diamond | plus | point | square | star | triangle
none | cycle | solid | dotted | dashed | dashdot
interp | datapoints
true | false
If fouriershow is not spectrum: set the DC value (zero frequency component) to zero.
true | false
If transform is fourier: Compute a moving average if set to true.
If type is octave: The number for the denominator in a fractional octave band.
If fouriershow is spectrum and nfreqsactive is true: The number of frequencies to plot.
true | false
If fouriershow is spectrum: Controls whether the number of frequencies is set manually.
If fouriershow is not spectrum and nsamplesactive is true: The number of uniform samples to use.
true | false
If fouriershow is not spectrum: Controls whether the number of uniform samples is set manually.
none | multiplyperiod | dividenfreq
If fouriershow is spectrum, use no scaling, multiply by sampling period, or divide by number of frequencies.
true | false
If fouriershow is not spectrum: scale with sampling period.
true | false
If fouriershow is not spectrum: shift zero frequency.
The solutions to plot. Available when data is not parent and the underlying data has multiple solutions.
An alternative way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when innerinput is manualindices.
solnum | solutioninfo
The title to use when titletype is manual.
auto | custom | label | manual | none
auto, if the title should be computed automatically. custom, if the title should be computed automatically, but customized. label, if the title should be the plot group’s label. manual, if the manual title should be used (the title property). none, if no title should be displayed.
none | fourier
Transformation of x-axis date.
linear | octave
If movingaverage is true: Use a linear or 1/n octave moving average.
on | off
The unit to use for the expression in expr. If the old unit is not valid when the expression changes, the unit property is reset to default.
on | off
Color, EnergyDecay
See Also