Create a histogram plot for 1D and 2D plot groups.
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result(<pgtag>).create(<ftag>,"Histogram") creates a histogram plot feature named <ftag> belonging to the plot group <pgtag>.
Histograms are used to visualize the distribution of the range of an expression. The result is a plot with the expression’s range on the x-axis and element length, area, or volume on the y-axis. Such histogram plots can be added to 1D plot groups. In 2D histograms, which you can add to 2D plot groups, the x-axis and y-axis represent the values of two quantities (as a number of bins or a range of values), and the color surface represents the count of the total element volume in each “bin”.
The following properties are available:
default | long
The color cycle, when linecolor is set to cycle. With default, it contains 7 colors; with long, it contains 19 colors.
{0,0,1} or last used edgecolor
none | parent | dataset name
The description of the expression in expr. Is used in the automatic title.
on | off
on | off
linpoint | harmonic | lintotal | lintotalavg | lintotalrms | lintotalpeak
on | off
continuous | discrete
all | first | last | manual | manualindices | interp
How to input the solution to use. manual indicates that solnum is used. manualindices indicates that solnumindices is used. interp indicates that t is used.
The times to use, for transient levels. Available when data is not parent and the underlying data is transient.
fromdataset | volume | surface | line | point
custom | cycle | black | blue | cyan | gray | green | magenta | red | white | yellow
double | preference
none | cycle | asterisk | circle | diamond | plus | point | square | star | triangle
none | cycle | solid | dotted | dashed | dashdot
An alternative way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when looplevelinput is manualindices on a level.
String array with all | first | last | manual | manualindices | interp on each level
all on all levels
How to input the solution to use, per level. manual on a level indicates that looplevel is used on that level. manualindices on a level indicates that looplevelindices is used on that level. interp on a level indicates that interp is used on that level.
interp | datapoints
auto | integral | count
The measure for evaluation of the histogram data. Choose integral for volume-based data; choose count of element-based data. auto is count for Mesh datasets; integral otherwise.
limit | number
integralsum | integralscaled | none | peak
all | first | last | manual | manualindices
How to input the outer solutions to use. Applicable only for parametric sweep models. manual indicates that outersolnum is used. manualindices indicates that outersolnumindices is used.
Plot on secondary y-axis, if twoyaxes is set to true in the parent plot group for 1D histogram plots.
on | off
Whether to use the manual color range specified in rangecolormin and rangecolormax. The color range specifies the minimum and maxim value in the plotted colors. Default is the minimum and maximum data values. This and other range settings are available for 2D Histogram plots.
on | off
Whether to use the manual data range specified in rangedatamin and rangedatamax. Values outside the data range is not plotted.
The element refinement to use, if resolution is set to manual. Bear in mind that this is the refinement used for the base dataset, so the number of elements in the model can increase radically if the plot uses, for example, a revolve dataset.
norefine | coarse | normal | fine | finer | extrafine | custom
fromdataset | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
The solutions to plot. Available when data is not parent and the underlying data has multiple solutions
An alternative way to specify the solutions to use, allowing you to enter, for example, range(1,1,20). Applicable when innerinput is manualindices.
solnum | solutioninfo
manual | parent
If data is a local dataset with nontrivial data, specify solutions manually or take them from the parent plot group.
The times to plot. Available when data is not parent and the underlying solution is transient.
The title to use when titletype is manual.
auto | custom | label | manual | none
auto, if the title should be computed automatically. custom, if the title should be computed automatically, but customized. label, if the title should be the plot group’s label. manual, if the manual title should be used (the title property). none, if no title should be displayed.
curve | solid
Use a filled histogram (solid) or a histogram drawn using lines (curve). This property is only available when function is discrete.
on | off
The unit to use for the expression in expr. If the old unit is not valid when the expression changes, the unit property is reset to default.
on | off
Filter (Plot Attribute); Height, AberrationHeight, HistogramHeight, TableHeight (2D only); Transparency (if a height attribute is used)
The normalization property integral in previous versions of COMSOL Multiphysics has been replaced by integralsum in version 5.5.
See Also
TableHistogram, MatrixHistogram