API Methods for colorTable
Returning Color Table Information
Use String[] getColorTableNames() to return the names of all color tables, both imported and loaded from disk. The names are the allowed values for the colortable property in, for example, Surface plots.
Use double[][] getColorTableRGB(String colorTable) to return an N-by-4 matrix. The matrix contains the raw RGB data that defines the color table (the fourth column contains color segment lengths and is optional). See Color Tables and Color Themes for how to interpret it. Also note that colorTable is case sensitive.
Use String [] model.result().colorTable().getColorTableCategories() to return an array of color table categories (which can be empty).
Checking Color Tables
The boolean hasColorTable(String colorTable) method returns true if the color table exists.
The boolean isColorTableContinuous(String colorTable) method returns true if the color table exists and is continuous; otherwise, it returns false.
Sampling Color Tables
Use double[][] sampleColorTableRGB(String colorTable, int N) to sample a color table in N uniformly distributed points. Returns an N-by-3-matrix containing RGB-values between 0 and 1.