The color of the selection, either given as an integer indicating a color in the color theme, or as a custom color in the customcolor property. Coloring is only available when selresult in active.
on | off
Extrusion distance(s), that is, local z-coordinate for the top (of each layer). Used if specify is set to distances.
workplane | faces
on | off
on | off
Show selections, if selresult is on, of resulting objects in physics, materials, and so on, or in part instances. obj is not available in a component’s geometry. dom, bnd, and edg are not available in all features.
distances | vertices
Specification of extrusion distances: as distances using the distance property or by specifying vertices in the 3D geometry using the vertex property.
Designate the resulting objects as construction geometry. Use inherit to set the construction geometry attribute only if all input objects are construction geometry.
all | none
Cross-sectional faces to delete, alias for crossfaces.
on | off
Alias for unite property with opposite value.