where <tag> is the parts tag, and
sDim is its space dimension (1, 2, or 3).
The containers model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).inputParam() and
model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).localParam() also support the other methods listed in
model.param() and model.result().param().
where <tags> is a list of part tags,
<filename> is the filename of the MPH-file where the parts are defined, and
<partTagsInFile> is a list of the parts’ tags in that file. If
model.geom(<gtag>) is a geometry part,
model.geom(<gtag>).loaded() returns true if the part was created by loading it from a file.
By default, this property is set to false. To see the current setting, use
to build the feature <ftag2> in the local part instance.