Using Geometry Parts
For a description of geometry parts, see Using Geometry Parts in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
To create a geometry part, enter
model.geom().create(<tag>, "Part", sDim);
where <tag> is the parts tag, and sDim is its space dimension (1, 2, or 3).
To add an input parameter to the part, enter
model.geom(<tag>).inputParam().set(<name>, <expr>, <descr>);
where the description <descr> can be omitted.
Similarly, add a local parameter by
model.geom(<tag>).localParam().set(<name>, <expr>, <descr>);
The containers model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).inputParam() and model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).localParam() also support the other methods listed in model.param() and model.result().param().
To load one or more geometry parts, enter
model.geom().load(<tags>, <filename>, <partTagsInFile>);
where <tags> is a list of part tags, <filename> is the filename of the MPH-file where the parts are defined, and <partTagsInFile> is a list of the parts’ tags in that file. If model.geom(<gtag>) is a geometry part, model.geom(<gtag>).loaded() returns true if the part was created by loading it from a file.
To get the filename of a loaded part, enter
To change the filename of a loaded part, enter
where <filename> is the new filename.
For a loaded part, to return the comments from the MPH-file, enter
For a loaded part, to return the last modification date from the MPH-file, enter
To get the tag that a loaded part has in the MPH-file, enter
To get the label that a loaded part has in the MPH-file, enter
For a loaded part, to return the version from the MPH-file, enter
To reload (update) a loaded part after its definition has been changed, enter
To make keeping selections active by default in part instances, use
By default, this property is set to false. To see the current setting, use
boolean keep = model.geom(<gtag>).keepSelInInstances();
To call a geometry part in a component geometry, add a PartInstance feature:
model.component(<ctag>).geom(<gtag>).create(<ftag>, "PartInstance");
See PartInstance for details.
To debug a call to part, you can step into it using
You can then apply the usual geometry sequence methods on the local part instance, for example,
to build the feature <ftag2> in the local part instance.
To make the part a part variant, enter
To check if the part is a part variant, enter