The Declarations Branch
All nodes under the Declarations branch () specify some sort of declaration, typically new data fields that you can bind to various form objects. The String node, for example, declares one or more data fields that stores a string value. In that sense, it is equivalent to a global parameter, but for global parameters, the string value has to be a valid expression and the string data field has no such restriction. See below for details about the following declaration nodes, which you add by right-clicking the Declarations node and selecting the desired declaration.
Under Scalar:
Under Array 1D:
Under Array 2D:
You can only add one of each data type declaration under Scalar, Array 1D, and Array 2D, so after adding such declarations, they disappear from the context menu.
In addition, a Shortcuts node () appears if you have added shortcuts to form objects or menu items. See Adding Shortcuts.
See Editing Initial Values and Arguments in Declarations and Command Sequences for information about tools for editing the initial values in the scalar and array nodes using the window that opens when you click under the lists of variables.
For all lists of variables in the nodes under Scalar, Array 1D, and Array 2D, click the Save to File button () and enter a File name in the Save to File dialog box, including the extension .txt. Click Save to save the text file. The information is saved in space-separated columns in the same order as displayed on screen. Use the Load from File button () and Load from File dialog box to import data in text files, generated by, for example, a spreadsheet program. Data must be separated by spaces or tabs (or be in a Microsoft® Excel® workbook spreadsheet if the license includes LiveLink™ for Excel®).
For those nodes, you can also right-click in the tables to move, insert, delete, cut, copy, and paste the contents of table rows.