Searching and Finding Text
Press Ctrl+Shift+F to open a Find in Methods tool that you can use to search for text, and replace it if needed, in methods. Windows users can also customize the Quick Access Toolbar to access this button ().
In the Find tool, type the text to find in the Find field and the text to replace it with, if desired, in the Replace with field.
Under Find in methods, click Current to search only in the current method, or click All to search all methods. Under Direction, click Forward or Backward to control the search direction in the method. Select the Case sensitive check box to make the search case sensitive (the search string must match the text exactly, including uppercase and lowercase characters).
Click Find Next to find the next occurrence of the search string; click Find All to find all occurrences. Click Replace to replace it with the string in the Replace with text field. Click Replace All to search and replace all occurrences of the search string with the string in the Replace with text field.
The Find Results Window
Click the Find All button to launch the search and display the search results in a Find Results window, where each occurrence of the search string appears in a row. The Find Results window only contains search results, and you can only update the search that was done to get the window. Double-click the row to highlight the search result in the method where it occurs. The Method column lists the method where the search string appears, the Line column lists the line where the string appears, and the Text column shows the text in which the search string appears.
Click the Refresh button () in the upper-left corner of the Find Results window to perform the search or search-replace action again and refresh the contents of the Find Results window.
Another case where the Find Results window appears is the specialized search that you can do in the Physics Builder — for example, when you search for all link nodes that links to a certain node. This type of search does not support any search field because it searches for the links to what is currently selected in the Physics Builder. The search is activated by selecting a node supporting being linked to and the either pressing F7 or using the Find Links to This Component button at the top of the Settings window. The word Component differs depending on what kind of node that you selected.