Interface SolverSequence

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String adaptationStudyFeature()
      Returns path to adaptation study feature.
      void adaptationStudyFeature​(java.lang.String tag)
      Sets adaptation study feature.
      void attach​(java.lang.String study)
      Attaches solver sequence to a study.
      void clearSolution()
      Clears the solution data associated with the solver sequence.
      void clearSolutionData()
      Clears the solution data associated with the solver sequence.
      void continueRun()
      Continues to run a solver sequence.
      void continueWithoutModelUpdate()
      Continues to run a solver sequence without model update.
      void copySolution​(java.lang.String fname)
      Copy the solution to a new solver sequence.
      SolverFeature create​(java.lang.String tag, java.lang.String oper)
      Create a solver feature.
      void createAutoSequence​(java.lang.String aSequence)
      Creates a solver sequence automatically from the study.
      void createAutoSequence​(java.lang.String aSequence, boolean forceSequence)
      Creates a solver sequence automatically from the study.
      void createAutoSequence​(java.lang.String aSequence, java.lang.String aStudyStep)
      Creates a solver sequence automatically from the study.
      void createSolution()
      Create a solution.
      void detach()
      Detaches solver sequence from its study.
      SolverFeatureList feature()
      Returns all solver features.
      SolverFeature feature​(java.lang.String tag)
      Returns solver feature.
      java.lang.String getClusterStorage()
      Gets the solution storage format on cluster.
      int getDefaultSolnum()
      Gets the default solution number.
      java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
      Returns error message.
      java.lang.String getMesh​(java.lang.String geom)
      Returns mesh tag.
      java.lang.String getMesh​(java.lang.String geom, int iMulti)
      Returns mesh tag.
      int getNStepsBack​(java.lang.String field)
      Returns the number of steps back to where the field is computed.
      int getNU​(java.lang.String uType)
      Returns the number of solutions stored of a type.
      java.lang.String[] getParamNames()
      Returns the parameter names.
      double[] getParamVals()
      Returns the parameter values.
      java.lang.String getPartitioningMethod()
      Gets the partitioning method on cluster.
      java.lang.String[] getPNames()
      Gets parameter names.
      double[] getPVals()
      Returns for a solution of Parametric type the real part of all the parameter values stored.
      double[] getPVals​(int solnum)
      Returns for a solution of Parametric type the real part of all the parameter values stored for a solution number.
      double[] getPValsImag()
      Gets the imaginary part of the parameter values for the default solution number.
      double[] getPValsImag​(int solnum)
      Gets the imaginary part of the parameter values for a solution number.
      java.lang.String getSavePointTag()
      Returns the tag of the associated save point, or an empty string if there is no save point.
      java.lang.String getSequenceType()
      Get sequence type.
      int[] getSize()
      Returns an array of sizes for the solution data.
      int[] getSize​(int iMulti)
      Returns an array of sizes for the solution data.
      int[] getSizeMulti()
      Returns an array of sizes for the solution data.
      SolutionInfo getSolutioninfo()
      Returns solution info object.
      java.lang.String getType()
      Get solution type.
      double[] getU()
      Retrieves the real part of the solution vector using a default solution number.
      double[] getU​(int solnum)
      Returns the real part of the solution vector for a solution number.
      double[] getU​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType)
      Returns the real part of the solution vector for a solution number.
      double[] getU​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType, int uNum)
      Returns the real part of the solution vector for a solution number.
      double[] getU​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType, int uNum, int nStepsBack)
      Returns the real part of the solution vector for a solution number.
      double[] getUBlock​(int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of real part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUBlock​(int solnum, int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of real part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUBlock​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType, int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of real part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUBlock​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType, int uNum, int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of real part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUDot()
      Gets real part of the first time-derivative of the solution vector.
      double[] getUDot​(int solnum)
      Gets real part of the first time-derivative of the solution vector for a solution number.
      double[] getUDotBlock​(int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of real part of the time-derivative of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUDotBlock​(int solnum, int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of real part of the time-derivative of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUDotImag()
      Gets imaginary part of first time-derivative solution vector for the default solution number.
      double[] getUDotImag​(int solnum)
      Gets imaginary part of first time-derivative solution vector for the default solution number.
      double[] getUDotImagBlock​(int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of imaginary part of the time-derivative of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUDotImagBlock​(int solnum, int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of imaginary part of the time-derivative of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUImag()
      Gets imaginary part of the solution vector for default solution number.
      double[] getUImag​(int solnum)
      Gets imaginary part of the solution vector for a solution number.
      double[] getUImag​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType)
      Gets imaginary part of the solution vector for a solution number.
      double[] getUImag​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType, int uNum)
      Gets imaginary part of the solution vector for a solution number.
      double[] getUImagBlock​(int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of imaginary part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUImagBlock​(int solnum, int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of imaginary part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUImagBlock​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType, int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of imaginary part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      double[] getUImagBlock​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType, int uNum, int start, int stop)
      Gets blocks of imaginary part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
      java.lang.String getWarningMessage()
      Returns warning message.
      boolean hasProblems()
      Returns true if solver sequence has problems.
      boolean isAttached()
      Test if solver sequence is attached to a study.
      boolean isEmpty()
      Checks if the solutions associated with the solver sequence are empty.
      boolean isInitialized()
      Returns true if the solution is initialized.
      boolean isRealPVals()
      Returns true if the parameters are real.
      boolean isRealU()
      Returns true if the solution is real.
      boolean isRealU​(int solnum)
      Returns true if the solution is real.
      boolean isRealU​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType)
      Returns true if the solution is real.
      boolean isRealU​(int solnum, java.lang.String uType, int uNum)
      Returns true if the solution is real.
      boolean isRealUDot()
      Returns true if the time-derivative of the solution is real.
      boolean isRealUDot​(int solnum)
      Returns true if the time-derivative of the solution is real.
      void run()
      Runs solver sequence.
      void run​(boolean createPlots)
      Runs solver sequence.
      void run​(java.lang.String fname)
      Runs the features in a solver sequence to a feature.
      void run​(java.lang.String fname, boolean createPlots)
      Runs the features in a solver sequence to a feature.
      void runAll()
      Runs all solver sequence.
      void runAll​(boolean createPlots)
      Runs all solver sequence.
      void runAllWithoutModelUpdate()
      Runs solver sequence without model update.
      void runFrom​(java.lang.String fname)
      Runs the features for a solver sequence from a feature.
      void runFrom​(java.lang.String fname, boolean createPlots)
      Runs the features for a solver sequence from a feature.
      void runFromTo​(java.lang.String fstartname, java.lang.String fstopname)
      Runs the features in a solver sequence from a feature to a feature.
      void runFromTo​(java.lang.String fstartname, java.lang.String fstopname, boolean createPlots)
      Runs the features in a solver sequence from a feature to a feature.
      void setClusterStorage​(java.lang.String format)
      Sets the solution storage format on cluster.
      void setPartitioningMethod​(java.lang.String format)
      Sets the partitioning method on cluster.
      void setPNames​(java.lang.String[] names)
      Sets parameter names of solution.
      void setPVals​(double[] val)
      Sets real part of parameter values of solution.
      void setPVals​(int solnum, double[] val)
      Sets real part of parameter values of solution for solution number.
      void setPValsImag​(double[] val)
      Sets imaginary part of parameter values of solution.
      void setPValsImag​(int solnum, double[] val)
      Sets imaginary part of parameter values of solution.
      void setU​(double[] val)
      Sets real part of solution vector.
      void setU​(int solnum, double[] val)
      Sets real part of solution vector for a solution number.
      void setUBlock​(double[] val, int start)
      Sets blocks of the real part of the solution vector.
      void setUBlock​(int solnum, double[] val, int start)
      Sets blocks of the real part of the solution vector.
      void setUDot​(double[] val)
      Sets real part of time-derivative of the solution vector.
      void setUDot​(int solnum, double[] val)
      Sets real part of time-derivative of the solution vector for a solution number.
      void setUDotBlock​(double[] val, int start)
      Sets blocks of the time derivative of the real part of the solution vector.
      void setUDotBlock​(int solnum, double[] val, int start)
      Sets blocks of the time derivative of the real part of the solution vector.
      void setUDotImag​(double[] val)
      Sets imaginary part of time-derivative of the solution vector.
      void setUDotImag​(int solnum, double[] val)
      Sets imaginary part of time-derivative of the solution vector for a solution number.
      void setUDotImagBlock​(double[] val, int start)
      Sets blocks of the time derivative of the imaginary part of the solution vector.
      void setUDotImagBlock​(int solnum, double[] val, int start)
      Sets blocks of the time derivative of the imaginary part of the solution vector.
      void setUImag​(double[] val)
      Sets imaginary part of solution vector.
      void setUImag​(int solnum, double[] val)
      Sets imaginary part of solution vector.
      void setUImagBlock​(double[] val, int start)
      Sets blocks of the imaginary part of the solution vector.
      void setUImagBlock​(int solnum, double[] val, int start)
      Sets blocks of the imaginary part of the solution vector.
      void setupDomainDecompositionSolver​(java.lang.String solverOperationID)
      Setup a domain decomposition solver based on the current solver.
      java.lang.String study()
      Returns the study tag of a solver sequence.
      void study​(java.lang.String tag)
      Assigns a solver sequence to a study.
      void updateSolution()
      Updates a solver sequence to make it up to date with respect to the current model.
      XmeshInfo xmeshInfo()
      Returns extended mesh information for solution.
      XmeshInfo xmeshInfo​(int iMulti)
      Returns extended mesh information for solution iMulti of multi solution object.
      XmeshInfo xmeshInfo​(java.lang.String meshCase)
      Returns extended mesh information for solution for mesh case.
    • Method Detail

      • adaptationStudyFeature

        java.lang.String adaptationStudyFeature()
        Returns path to adaptation study feature.
        Path to adaptation study feature.
      • adaptationStudyFeature

        void adaptationStudyFeature​(java.lang.String tag)
        Sets adaptation study feature.
        tag - A path of tags to the adaptation study feature.
      • attach

        void attach​(java.lang.String study)
        Attaches solver sequence to a study.
        study - Study tag.
      • clearSolution

        void clearSolution()
        Clears the solution data associated with the solver sequence. Prefer using clearSolutionData() instead that generally works as expected.
      • clearSolutionData

        void clearSolutionData()
        Clears the solution data associated with the solver sequence. The features are not changed. Result features are unaffected.
      • continueRun

        void continueRun()
        Continues to run a solver sequence.
      • continueWithoutModelUpdate

        void continueWithoutModelUpdate()
        Continues to run a solver sequence without model update.
      • copySolution

        void copySolution​(java.lang.String fname)
        Copy the solution to a new solver sequence.
        fname - Tag of the new solution.
      • create

        SolverFeature create​(java.lang.String tag,
                             java.lang.String oper)
        Create a solver feature.
        tag - Feature tag.
        oper - Type of feature.
        Created solver feature.
      • createAutoSequence

        void createAutoSequence​(java.lang.String aSequence)
        Creates a solver sequence automatically from the study.
        aSequence - Study tag of the study to generate the solver sequence from.
      • createAutoSequence

        void createAutoSequence​(java.lang.String aSequence,
                                java.lang.String aStudyStep)
        Creates a solver sequence automatically from the study.
        aSequence - Study tag of the study to generate the solver sequence from.
        aStudyStep - Tag of the study step to create the relevant solver sequence branch.
      • createAutoSequence

        void createAutoSequence​(java.lang.String aSequence,
                                boolean forceSequence)
        Creates a solver sequence automatically from the study.
        aSequence - Study tag of the study to generate the solver sequence from.
        forceSequence - Always create a sequence if true.
      • createSolution

        void createSolution()
        Create a solution.
      • detach

        void detach()
        Detaches solver sequence from its study.
      • feature

        SolverFeatureList feature()
        Returns all solver features.
        List of solver features.
      • feature

        SolverFeature feature​(java.lang.String tag)
        Returns solver feature.
        tag - Solver feature tag.
        Solver feature.
      • getClusterStorage

        java.lang.String getClusterStorage()
        Gets the solution storage format on cluster.
        Storage format.
      • getDefaultSolnum

        int getDefaultSolnum()
        Gets the default solution number.
        Default solution number.
      • getErrorMessage

        java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
        Returns error message.
        Error message.
      • getMesh

        java.lang.String getMesh​(java.lang.String geom)
        Returns mesh tag.
        geom - Geometry tag.
        Mesh tag.
      • getMesh

        java.lang.String getMesh​(java.lang.String geom,
                                 int iMulti)
        Returns mesh tag.
        geom - Geometry tag.
        iMulti - Local solution number in multi solution.
        Mesh tag.
      • getNStepsBack

        int getNStepsBack​(java.lang.String field)
        Returns the number of steps back to where the field is computed.
        field - Field name.
        Number of steps back.
      • getNU

        int getNU​(java.lang.String uType)
        Returns the number of solutions stored of a type.
        uType - Type of solution: Sol (main solution), Reacf (reaction force), Adj (adjoint solution), Fsens (functional sensitivity), and Sens (forward sensitivity).
        Number of solutions.
      • getPNames

        java.lang.String[] getPNames()
        Gets parameter names.
        Parameter names.
      • getPVals

        double[] getPVals()
        Returns for a solution of Parametric type the real part of all the parameter values stored.
        Real part of parameter values.
      • getPVals

        double[] getPVals​(int solnum)
        Returns for a solution of Parametric type the real part of all the parameter values stored for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        Real part of parameter values.
      • getPValsImag

        double[] getPValsImag()
        Gets the imaginary part of the parameter values for the default solution number.
        Imaginary part of the parameter values.
      • getPValsImag

        double[] getPValsImag​(int solnum)
        Gets the imaginary part of the parameter values for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        Imaginary part of the parameter values.
      • getParamNames

        java.lang.String[] getParamNames()
        Returns the parameter names.
        Parameter names.
      • getParamVals

        double[] getParamVals()
        Returns the parameter values.
        Parameter values.
      • getPartitioningMethod

        java.lang.String getPartitioningMethod()
        Gets the partitioning method on cluster.
        Partitioning method.
      • getSavePointTag

        java.lang.String getSavePointTag()
        Returns the tag of the associated save point, or an empty string if there is no save point.
        Save point tag.
      • getSequenceType

        java.lang.String getSequenceType()
        Get sequence type.
        Types: SolverSequence, CopySolution, ParametricStore, Stored, Parametric, or None.
      • getSize

        int[] getSize()
        Returns an array of sizes for the solution data.
        The number of degrees of freedoms is stored in the first position and the number of solutions (solnums) in the second.
      • getSize

        int[] getSize​(int iMulti)
        Returns an array of sizes for the solution data.
        iMulti - Local solution number in multi solution.
        The number of local degrees of freedoms is stored in the first position and the number of local solutions (local solnums) in the second.
      • getSizeMulti

        int[] getSizeMulti()
        Returns an array of sizes for the solution data.
        The number of local solutions in multi solution in the first position and the number of solutions (solnums) in the second.
      • getSolutioninfo

        SolutionInfo getSolutioninfo()
        Returns solution info object.
        Solution info object.
      • getType

        java.lang.String getType()
        Get solution type.
        Solution type: Stationary,Parametric, Time, or Eigenvalue.
      • getU

        double[] getU()
        Retrieves the real part of the solution vector using a default solution number.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getU

        double[] getU​(int solnum)
        Returns the real part of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getU

        double[] getU​(int solnum,
                      java.lang.String uType)
        Returns the real part of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Real part of solution vector.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getU

        double[] getU​(int solnum,
                      java.lang.String uType,
                      int uNum)
        Returns the real part of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        uNum - Solution index.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getU

        double[] getU​(int solnum,
                      java.lang.String uType,
                      int uNum,
                      int nStepsBack)
        Returns the real part of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        uNum - Solution index.
        nStepsBack - Linked solution number.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getUBlock

        double[] getUBlock​(int start,
                           int stop)
        Gets blocks of real part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getUBlock

        double[] getUBlock​(int solnum,
                           int start,
                           int stop)
        Gets blocks of real part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getUBlock

        double[] getUBlock​(int solnum,
                           java.lang.String uType,
                           int start,
                           int stop)
        Gets blocks of real part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        start - Start index.
        stop - stop.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getUBlock

        double[] getUBlock​(int solnum,
                           java.lang.String uType,
                           int uNum,
                           int start,
                           int stop)
        Gets blocks of real part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        uNum - Solution INDEX.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Real part of solution vector.
      • getUDot

        double[] getUDot()
        Gets real part of the first time-derivative of the solution vector.
        Real part of first time-derivative of the solution vector.
      • getUDot

        double[] getUDot​(int solnum)
        Gets real part of the first time-derivative of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        Real part of first time-derivative of the solution vector.
      • getUDotBlock

        double[] getUDotBlock​(int start,
                              int stop)
        Gets blocks of real part of the time-derivative of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Real part of time-derivative of solution vector.
      • getUDotBlock

        double[] getUDotBlock​(int solnum,
                              int start,
                              int stop)
        Gets blocks of real part of the time-derivative of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        start - Start index.
        stop - stop index.
        Real part of time-derivative of solution vector.
      • getUDotImag

        double[] getUDotImag()
        Gets imaginary part of first time-derivative solution vector for the default solution number.
        Imaginary part of first time-derivative solution vector.
      • getUDotImag

        double[] getUDotImag​(int solnum)
        Gets imaginary part of first time-derivative solution vector for the default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        Imaginary part of first time-derivative solution vector.
      • getUDotImagBlock

        double[] getUDotImagBlock​(int start,
                                  int stop)
        Gets blocks of imaginary part of the time-derivative of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Imaginary part of time-derivative of the solution vector.
      • getUDotImagBlock

        double[] getUDotImagBlock​(int solnum,
                                  int start,
                                  int stop)
        Gets blocks of imaginary part of the time-derivative of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Imaginary part of time-derivative of the solution vector.
      • getUImag

        double[] getUImag()
        Gets imaginary part of the solution vector for default solution number.
        Imaginary part of the solution vector.
      • getUImag

        double[] getUImag​(int solnum)
        Gets imaginary part of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        Imaginary part of the solution vector.
      • getUImag

        double[] getUImag​(int solnum,
                          java.lang.String uType)
        Gets imaginary part of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        Imaginary part of the solution vector.
      • getUImag

        double[] getUImag​(int solnum,
                          java.lang.String uType,
                          int uNum)
        Gets imaginary part of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        uNum - Solution index.
        Imaginary part of the solution vector.
      • getUImagBlock

        double[] getUImagBlock​(int start,
                               int stop)
        Gets blocks of imaginary part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Imaginary part of solution vector.
      • getUImagBlock

        double[] getUImagBlock​(int solnum,
                               int start,
                               int stop)
        Gets blocks of imaginary part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Imaginary part of solution vector.
      • getUImagBlock

        double[] getUImagBlock​(int solnum,
                               java.lang.String uType,
                               int start,
                               int stop)
        Gets blocks of imaginary part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Imaginary part of solution vector.
      • getUImagBlock

        double[] getUImagBlock​(int solnum,
                               java.lang.String uType,
                               int uNum,
                               int start,
                               int stop)
        Gets blocks of imaginary part of the solution vector solution for a default solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        uNum - Solution index.
        start - Start index.
        stop - Stop index.
        Imaginary part of solution vector.
      • getWarningMessage

        java.lang.String getWarningMessage()
        Returns warning message.
        Warning message.
      • hasProblems

        boolean hasProblems()
        Returns true if solver sequence has problems.
        true if solver sequence has problems.
      • isAttached

        boolean isAttached()
        Test if solver sequence is attached to a study.
        true if attached.
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if the solutions associated with the solver sequence are empty.
        true if empty.
      • isInitialized

        boolean isInitialized()
        Returns true if the solution is initialized.
        true if solution is initialized.
      • isRealPVals

        boolean isRealPVals()
        Returns true if the parameters are real.
        true if parameters are real.
      • isRealU

        boolean isRealU()
        Returns true if the solution is real.
        true if solution is real.
      • isRealU

        boolean isRealU​(int solnum)
        Returns true if the solution is real.
        solnum - Solution number.
        true if solution is real.
      • isRealU

        boolean isRealU​(int solnum,
                        java.lang.String uType)
        Returns true if the solution is real.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        true if solution is real.
      • isRealU

        boolean isRealU​(int solnum,
                        java.lang.String uType,
                        int uNum)
        Returns true if the solution is real.
        solnum - Solution number.
        uType - Solution type.
        uNum - Solution index.
        true if solution is real.
      • isRealUDot

        boolean isRealUDot()
        Returns true if the time-derivative of the solution is real.
        true if parameters are real.
      • isRealUDot

        boolean isRealUDot​(int solnum)
        Returns true if the time-derivative of the solution is real.
        solnum - Solution number.
        true if parameters are real.
      • run

        void run()
        Runs solver sequence.
      • run

        void run​(java.lang.String fname)
        Runs the features in a solver sequence to a feature.
        fname - Run to this feature.
      • run

        void run​(boolean createPlots)
        Runs solver sequence.
        createPlots - Create plots.
      • run

        void run​(java.lang.String fname,
                 boolean createPlots)
        Runs the features in a solver sequence to a feature.
        fname - Run to this feature.
        createPlots - Create plots.
      • runAll

        void runAll()
        Runs all solver sequence.
      • runAll

        void runAll​(boolean createPlots)
        Runs all solver sequence.
        createPlots - Create plots.
      • runAllWithoutModelUpdate

        void runAllWithoutModelUpdate()
        Runs solver sequence without model update.
      • runFrom

        void runFrom​(java.lang.String fname)
        Runs the features for a solver sequence from a feature.
        fname - Run from this feature.
      • runFrom

        void runFrom​(java.lang.String fname,
                     boolean createPlots)
        Runs the features for a solver sequence from a feature.
        fname - Run from this feature.
        createPlots - Create plots.
      • runFromTo

        void runFromTo​(java.lang.String fstartname,
                       java.lang.String fstopname)
        Runs the features in a solver sequence from a feature to a feature.
        fstartname - Run from feature.
        fstopname - Run to feature.
      • runFromTo

        void runFromTo​(java.lang.String fstartname,
                       java.lang.String fstopname,
                       boolean createPlots)
        Runs the features in a solver sequence from a feature to a feature.
        fstartname - Run from feature.
        fstopname - Run to feature.
        createPlots - Create plots.
      • setClusterStorage

        void setClusterStorage​(java.lang.String format)
        Sets the solution storage format on cluster.
        format - Type of cluster storage format: all (Solution is stored on all nodes), single (Only a single node stores the entire solution), shared (All nodes access the solution from the same file).
      • setPNames

        void setPNames​(java.lang.String[] names)
        Sets parameter names of solution.
        names - Parameter names.
      • setPVals

        void setPVals​(double[] val)
        Sets real part of parameter values of solution.
        val - Parameter values.
      • setPVals

        void setPVals​(int solnum,
                      double[] val)
        Sets real part of parameter values of solution for solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Imaginary part of parameter values.
      • setPValsImag

        void setPValsImag​(double[] val)
        Sets imaginary part of parameter values of solution.
        val - Imaginary part of parameter values.
      • setPValsImag

        void setPValsImag​(int solnum,
                          double[] val)
        Sets imaginary part of parameter values of solution.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Imaginary part of parameter values.
      • setPartitioningMethod

        void setPartitioningMethod​(java.lang.String format)
        Sets the partitioning method on cluster.
        format - Type of partitioning method: mo (Mesh ordering), nd (Nested dissection), wnd (Weighted nested dissection), off (Off).
      • setU

        void setU​(double[] val)
        Sets real part of solution vector.
        val - Solution vector.
      • setU

        void setU​(int solnum,
                  double[] val)
        Sets real part of solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Solution vector.
      • setUBlock

        void setUBlock​(double[] val,
                       int start)
        Sets blocks of the real part of the solution vector.
        val - Solution vector.
        start - start.
      • setUBlock

        void setUBlock​(int solnum,
                       double[] val,
                       int start)
        Sets blocks of the real part of the solution vector.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Solution vector.
        start - Start index.
      • setUDot

        void setUDot​(double[] val)
        Sets real part of time-derivative of the solution vector.
        val - Solution vector.
      • setUDot

        void setUDot​(int solnum,
                     double[] val)
        Sets real part of time-derivative of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Solution vector.
      • setUDotBlock

        void setUDotBlock​(double[] val,
                          int start)
        Sets blocks of the time derivative of the real part of the solution vector.
        val - Solution vector.
        start - Start index.
      • setUDotBlock

        void setUDotBlock​(int solnum,
                          double[] val,
                          int start)
        Sets blocks of the time derivative of the real part of the solution vector.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Solution vector.
        start - Start index.
      • setUDotImag

        void setUDotImag​(double[] val)
        Sets imaginary part of time-derivative of the solution vector.
        val - Solution vector.
      • setUDotImag

        void setUDotImag​(int solnum,
                         double[] val)
        Sets imaginary part of time-derivative of the solution vector for a solution number.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Solution vector.
      • setUDotImagBlock

        void setUDotImagBlock​(double[] val,
                              int start)
        Sets blocks of the time derivative of the imaginary part of the solution vector.
        val - Solution vector.
        start - Start index.
      • setUDotImagBlock

        void setUDotImagBlock​(int solnum,
                              double[] val,
                              int start)
        Sets blocks of the time derivative of the imaginary part of the solution vector.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Solution vector.
        start - Start index.
      • setUImag

        void setUImag​(double[] val)
        Sets imaginary part of solution vector.
        val - Solution vector.
      • setUImag

        void setUImag​(int solnum,
                      double[] val)
        Sets imaginary part of solution vector.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Solution vector.
      • setUImagBlock

        void setUImagBlock​(double[] val,
                           int start)
        Sets blocks of the imaginary part of the solution vector.
        val - Solution vector.
        start - Start index.
      • setUImagBlock

        void setUImagBlock​(int solnum,
                           double[] val,
                           int start)
        Sets blocks of the imaginary part of the solution vector.
        solnum - Solution number.
        val - Solution vector.
        start - Start index.
      • setupDomainDecompositionSolver

        void setupDomainDecompositionSolver​(java.lang.String solverOperationID)
        Setup a domain decomposition solver based on the current solver.
        solverOperationID - Type of domain decomposition solver.
      • study

        java.lang.String study()
        Returns the study tag of a solver sequence.
        Study tag.
      • study

        void study​(java.lang.String tag)
        Assigns a solver sequence to a study.
        tag - Study tag.
      • updateSolution

        void updateSolution()
        Updates a solver sequence to make it up to date with respect to the current model.
      • xmeshInfo

        XmeshInfo xmeshInfo()
        Returns extended mesh information for solution.
        Extended mesh information.
      • xmeshInfo

        XmeshInfo xmeshInfo​(java.lang.String meshCase)
        Returns extended mesh information for solution for mesh case.
        meshCase - Mesh case.
        Extended mesh information.
      • xmeshInfo

        XmeshInfo xmeshInfo​(int iMulti)
        Returns extended mesh information for solution iMulti of multi solution object.
        iMulti - Local solution number in multi solution.
        Extended mesh information for solution iMulti of multi solution object.