Interface GeomExport

    • Method Detail

      • getAcisVersion

        java.lang.String getAcisVersion()
        Gets the file format version for ACIS export.
        ACIS version.
      • getCompat

        java.lang.String getCompat()
        Get the COMSOL version to save mphtxt/mphbin file in.
        3.5a, 4.0, 4.0a, 4.2a, 4.3b, 5.1, or 5.5.
      • getLengthUnit

        java.lang.String getLengthUnit()
        Returns the length unit to use for CAD Import Module kernel geometry export to Parsolid format.
        Length unit.
      • getLengthUnitIGES

        java.lang.String getLengthUnitIGES()
        Returns the length unit to use for CAD Import Module kernel geometry export to IGES format.
        Length unit.
      • getLengthUnitSTEP

        java.lang.String getLengthUnitSTEP()
        Returns the length unit to use for CAD Import Module kernel geometry export to STEP format.
        Length unit.
      • getSTLFormat

        java.lang.String getSTLFormat()
        Returns the STL file type (binary or text).The default value is binary.
        File type.
      • getSplitInManifold

        boolean getSplitInManifold()
        True if export to Parasolid format is split in manifold objects.
        true if split in manifold objects.
      • getType

        java.lang.String getType()
        Get the export file type.
        File type.
      • selection

        GeomObjectSelection selection()
        Returns export's selection.
        Geometry object selection.
      • setAcisVersion

        void setAcisVersion​(java.lang.String version)
        Sets the file format version for ACIS export.
        version - File format version.
      • setCompat

        void setCompat​(java.lang.String value)
        Set the COMSOL version to save mphtxt/mphbin file in.
        value - 3.5a, 4.0, 4.0a, 4.2a, 4.3b, 5.1, or 5.5.
      • setLengthUnit

        void setLengthUnit​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the length unit to use for CAD Import Module kernel geometry export to Parsolid format. Set to fromgeom to use the geometry sequence length unit.
        value - Length unit.
      • setLengthUnitIGES

        void setLengthUnitIGES​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the length unit to use for CAD Import Module kernel geometry export to IGES format. Set to fromgeom to use the geometry sequence length unit.
        value - Length unit.
      • setLengthUnitSTEP

        void setLengthUnitSTEP​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the length unit to use for CAD Import Module kernel geometry export to STEP format. Set to fromgeom to use the geometry sequence length unit.
        value - Length unit.
      • setSTLFormat

        void setSTLFormat​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the STL file type (binary or text).
        value - File type.
      • setSplitInManifold

        void setSplitInManifold​(boolean splitInManifold)
        Sets the split in manifold objects option for Parasolid export.
        splitInManifold - Split in manifold objects option.
      • setType

        void setType​(java.lang.String value)
        Set the export file type (nativebin, nativeascii, parasolidbin, parasolidascii,acisbin, acisascii, iges, step, stlbin, stlascii or dxf).
        value - File type.