Equilibrium Reaction Group
The Equilibrium Reaction Group node () allows for input of a large number of equilibrium reactions in the same table. This node functions in the same way as the Reversible Reaction Group for reversible reactions.
Add the node from the Chemistry toolbar or right-click Chemistry and add it from the context menu.
For the case when reaction kinetics data are entered manually into the Reaction table and temperature dependent reaction kinetics apply, right-click to add a Reaction Thermodynamics subnode or select it from the Chemistry toolbar, Attributes menu. In it, the Enthalpy of Reaction (J/mol) for each reaction can be specified.
Reaction Table
The equilibrium reactions in the table are numbered and contain reactants, products, and kinetic parameters describing the reaction. Use the buttons under the Reaction table to add and sort the reaction details.
In general, use the Move Up (), Move Down (), and Delete () buttons and the fields under tables to edit the table contents. Or right-click a table cell and select Move Up, Move Down, or Delete.
The Add button () adds default reactant, A, and product, B, with a default. Click the corresponding field to edit the reactant, product, or parameters. After editing the Species Group node is also updated. It is created together with the reaction group.
You can save the parameters to a text file to reuse in other models. Click the Save to File button () and enter a File name in the Save to File dialog box, including the extension .txt. Click Save to store the parameters in a text file or in a Microsoft Excel Workbook spreadsheet if the license includes LiveLink™ for Excel®. The information is saved in space-separated columns in the same order as displayed on screen. When saving to Excel, an Excel Save dialog box appears where you can specify the sheet and range and whether to overwrite existing data or include a header.
You can import or load data in files from a spreadsheet program, for example, with the Load from File button () and the Load from File dialog box that appears. Data must be separated by spaces or tabs. If there is already data in the table, imported parameters are added after the last row. Move or edit rows as needed. If the license includes LiveLink™ for Excel® you can also load parameters from a Microsoft Excel Workbook spreadsheet. Then an Excel Load dialog box appears where you can specify the sheet and range and whether to overwrite existing data. It is also possible to import from a spreadsheet containing a separate column for units.
Chemical Vapor Deposition of GaAs: Application Library path Chemical_Reaction_Engineering_Module/Reactors_with_Mass_and_Heat_Transfer/gaas_cvd