Transport Properties
The Reaction Engineering Interface and The Chemistry Interface can calculate several transport properties that can be accessed in interfaces in space dependent models.
The diffusivity is calculated in terms of binary diffusion coefficients. These are available for the following fluid mixtures:
Gases with or without Solvent
The diffusion coefficients are calculated from the following expression based on kinetic gas theory (Ref. 7):
Here, DAB (SI unit: m2/s) is the binary diffusion coefficient, M (SI unit: kg/mol) equals the molecular weight, T (SI unit: K) represents the temperature, p (SI unit: Pa) is the pressure, and σ (SI unit: m) equals the characteristic length of the Lennard-Jones/ Stockmayer potential. In addition, ΩD is the collision integral, given by the relation of Neufeld et al. (Ref. 6):
where the reduced temperature is:
In Equation 2-62, cx are empirical constants, μD is the species dipole moment value (SI unit: Cm) and ε/kb (SI unit: K) the potential energy minimum value divided by Boltzmann’s constant. Tabulated data in literature frequently lists values of ε/kb rather than ε. It should be noted that predefined expressions for binary diffusivities only treat ideal gas mixtures. Thus, these are applicable as input only for gases at moderate pressure in multicomponent diffusive transport models.
The binary diffusivity according to Equation 2-61 is also suited for gaseous species in solvent, simply by setting either the component A or B to the solvent. The binary diffusion coefficient is in this case equal to the diffusion coefficient of the bulk species.
Liquid with Solvent
The diffusivity of a species A in a solvent B is calculated with the Wilke–Chang equation (Ref. 8):
where μB (SI unit: N·s/m2) denotes the solvent’s dynamic viscosity (see Equation 2-69), and Vb,A (SI unit: m3/mol) equals the molar volume at the normal boiling point of the solute species. is the dimensionless association factor of the solvent, which by default is set to 1.
Dynamic Viscosity
The dynamic viscosities are computed for the following fluid mixtures:
Gases with Solvent
The dynamic viscosity of the mixture is assumed to be the same as that of the solvent. This is given by the kinetic gas theory (Ref. 6 and Ref. 7), with species i being the solvent:
In Equation 2-65, μ (SI unit: Ns/m2) represents the dynamic viscosity, and ΩD is the dimensionless collision integral given by:
In Equation 2-65 and Equation 2-66, bx are empirical constants, μD (SI unit: Cm) the species dipole moment value, and ε/kb (SI unit: K) the potential energy minimum value divided by Boltzmann’s constant. Tabulated data in literature frequently lists values of ε/kb rather than ε, and σ (SI unit: Å) is the characteristic length value.
Gases without Solvent
The dynamic viscosity of gas mixtures without solvent are calculated according to Ref. 9 with the following expression:
where φij is defined as:
In Equation 2-67 and Equation 2-68, xi is the molar composition and μi is computed with Equation 2-65 for each of the species in the mixture.
Liquid with Solvent
The dynamic viscosity of the mixture is assumed to the same as that of the solvent. An approximate expression for the temperature dependence of the dynamic viscosity is given by (Ref. 3):
where μ (SI unit: Ns/m2) is the dynamic viscosity. As inputs for Equation 2-69, the physics interface takes the reference viscosity, μref (SI unit: Pas) at the reference temperature Tref (SI unit: K).
Thermal Conductivity
The thermal conductivity is calculated as well for some types of fluid mixtures:
Gas With or Without Solvent
The predefined expression for thermal conductivity comes from the Stiel–Thodos equation (Ref. 10), which is defined as:
where k (SI unit: W/(m·K)) is the thermal conductivity and Cp (SI unit: J/(mol·K)) denotes the molar heat capacity. Equation 2-70 is a function of viscosity, μ, as given by Equation 2-65. Equation 2-70 is directly used in the case of a solvent; all parameters being those of the solvent. Without a solvent, however, the following equation is also used:
where ki is the thermal conductivity of each species i and xi the molar composition for each of the species in the mixture.