Initial Values (Pellets)
Domain selection
The domain selection inherits all valid domains from its parent feature. For the invalid domains, it shows not applicable.
Several Initial Values nodes can be used to set different initial values for different domains and pellets.
This section is invisible for default Initial Values node. It is visible for later added Initial Values nodes.
Select All or one of existing pellets for the non-default Initial Values nodes.
Initial Values
Specify the Mixture specificationMass fractions (the default), Mole fractions, or Molar concentrations for different initial value types inside the pellet(s).
Mass fractions. Enter the Pressure Pep0 (Pa) for the initial pressure value, and enter the Mass fractions wpe0,i for species i.
Mole fractions. Enter the Pressure Pep0 (Pa) for the initial pressure value, and enter the Mole fractions xpe0,i for species i.
Molar concentrations. Enter the Temperature Tpe0 (SI unit: k) for the initial temperature value. Specify the Initial pressureIdeal gas (the default), or User defined for different types of initial pressure. Enter the Pressure Pep0 (Pa) for the initial pressure value if User defined is selected. Enter the Molar concentrations cpe0,i for species i.
Surface concentration Initial Values
Specify the initial values for Surface species under the column Surface concentration (mol/m2) in the table.