Porous Layer Reactions
The porous layer (reacted) extends to the core center with the proceeding of the core consuming reactions. During the process, bulk species (gas) diffuse from base geometry into the reacted layer (in pellet), and at the same time the products from the consuming reactions (on core surface) diffuse through the reacted layer out into base geometry. This node describes the reactions for these species during the diffusion process.
Several Porous Layer Reactions nodes can be used to account for different reaction mechanisms in porous layer and different pellets in the porous material.
Domain Selection
The domain selection inherits all valid domains from its parent feature. For the invalid domains, it shows not applicable.
Select All or one of existing pellets for the node.
reacting volume
A reaction takes usually place in the porous part (fluid) of the pellet, but can also in the whole volume of the pellet. When specifying reaction rate for a bulk species, the specified reaction rate has the basis of the pore volume, or the total volume. With the Pore volume selected, the reaction expression in mol/(m3·s) will be multiplied by porous layer’s porosity εpr.
Reaction Rates
Select a reaction rate (SI unit: mol/(m3·s)) for bulk species i from Rpe, i list. Enter a reaction rate expression when User defined is selected from the list. Alternatively, if reaction rate expressions have been defined in a Chemistry interface (with the Define variables for porous pellets selected under Pellet Chemistry section), they can be chosen from the list.
Heat Source
Specify the Heat source originating from the heat (Qpe) of the bulk reactions inside the porous layer. With several pellets being added, their heat sources will be summed up.
The heat sources are most conveniently picked up from a Chemistry interface (with the Define variables for porous pellets selected under Pellet Chemistry section) that defines the reaction rate and the heat of reactions. In that case, the heat source expression can be selected from the list. Otherwise you can enter an expression in the text field.
The heat source (on extra dimension) in a Porous Layer Reactions node can be picked by Heat Source feature under the Pellets feature of heat transfer interface. The total heat source (including heat from Shrinking Core Reactions nodes, on base domain) can be used by a Heat Source feature in any of the heat transfer interfaces.